Body Signals To Be Aware Of

Certain body signals can indicate serious problems if they are present over a long period of time. Then it is important to do something about it as soon as possible.

Body signals to watch out for

The body is constantly giving us signals, but often we don’t listen to them or we don’t know how to interpret them. Over time, the consequences become noticeable, so you should listen to certain body signals right from the start !

Pain to be aware of

Often we do not worry too much when there is pain in a certain part of the body and think that it will stop again.

Of course, it is not necessary to rush to the doctor immediately for every minor ailment. However, you should at least observe the body signals and see if they develop further. 

Pain is a defense mechanism or body signal that indicates something is wrong. Since the organism is wise, these instructions should be heeded in any case.

The main symptoms that should not be ignored include the following:

Body signals: chest pain


If you have shortness of breath or palpitations, this could be a sign of pre-infarct. This leads to severe discomfort that can occur at any time of the day.

If the pain is  in the left side, it could be a heart attack. On the right, angina pectoris could be the cause, or pulmonary embolism or asthma.

Pay attention to the symptoms, because if these have to do with the cardiovascular system, they can also manifest themselves in the neck, left arm, left shoulder, or abdomen and be accompanied by dizziness and nausea.

Joint pain


Many people think that joint pain due to age or caused by overuse and abrupt movements is normal.

However, you should note  that there can also be an injury behind it. 

If there is inflammation or redness in this area, it could be rheumatoid arthritis. Timely treatment can prevent symptoms from getting worse and limit movement (especially in the hands).

Other causes of joint pain include:

  • rheumatic fever
  • hepatitis
  • flu
  • gout
  • Osteoarthritis

Intense headache


Migraines can be caused by fatigue or stress. Many in this case take pain relievers, go to sleep, and forget about the matter.

Be careful, however, because a  headache could also be a body signal that indicates a cerebral aneurysm. 

In this case there is also nausea, nausea, sensitivity to noise or light and seeing an “aura”.

An aneurysm causes a bulging artery that supplies the brain with blood.

If the condition is severe, it  can lead to bleeding and a stroke. Very intense headaches should therefore not be ignored.

Acute pain in the lower abdomen


If the pain is in the lower right part of the abdomen, it could be appendicitis.

One of the most common symptoms this causes is a type of cramp that starts at the belly button and extends into the leg. In addition, there is nausea, fever and swelling in the affected area.

In women, pain in the lower abdomen can  also be a sign of a cyst on the ovaries. The symptoms can appear on the right as well as on the left side.

When the fluid-filled cysts burst, the pain is excruciating. In this case, it is very important to get treatment quickly to prevent the blood from flowing to the ovaries.

Symptoms that indicate Alzheimer’s disease

The brain can also give us clues that something is wrong.

Not only typical signs of cognitive decline are to be observed here. Other body signals can also indicate the incurable Alzheimer’s disease, for example.

Pay attention to the following body signals:

Frequent forgetting


Loss of memory and difficulty remembering  new information  are two common symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease.

For example, it is worrying if you can no longer remember important dates, keep asking the same questions or tell the same story to the same people several times.

Difficulty finding your way in certain situations

The inability to follow a plan or perform a task that requires thinking or analyzing information can also indicate Alzheimer’s disease.

For example, if you can’t understand a prescription and put it into practice, or if you don’t follow the doctor’s instructions, it could be an indicator of Alzheimer’s disease.

Even performing ordinary tasks can be difficult with this condition: driving a car, remembering the rules of the game, using the washing machine, etc.



Not knowing what day is, where you are right now or where you want to go are also typical signs of degenerative disease.

If you keep asking yourself “What did I want in the kitchen? What was I looking for in the room?” you should definitely find out the causes.

Lose yourself in the city or in the subway,  not knowing where you are going and what you actually wanted,  not finding your way home or the bus stop … all these signals should be heeded and a doctor examined as soon as possible.

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