Broccoli Soup: Health-promoting Properties

Broccoli soup not only helps you lose weight, it can also improve the immune system and promote intestinal transit, as it contains valuable fiber.

Broccoli soup: health benefits

Broccoli should be included in the diet regularly because it is a very healthy vegetable.  That’s why we recommend a delicious broccoli soup today .

Broccoli is a member of the cruciferous family and is closely related to cauliflower, cabbage, and Brussels sprouts.

This vegetable plant is  very low in calories, but provides valuable calcium  and is also characterized by anti-cancer active ingredients.

Broccoli is very important in weight loss diets. So the soup we suggest can help you lose weight.

Broccoli: a healthy source of vitamins

Prepare broccoli-soup

Numerous studies show that broccoli is  an excellent source of vitamin C.

For example, the renowned Time magazine mentions broccoli in a list of the ten most important foods that have a positive effect on health.

Broccoli not only contains vitamin C, but also vitamins E and B6,  as well as sulforaphane, which is effective against cancer.

In addition, this vegetable is rich in calcium, which is known to play an important role in strong bones and also in weight loss.

Other Benefits of Broccoli: Fiber


Broccoli is also rich in antioxidants and contains glutathione, an active ingredient that improves the immune system.

The fiber in these vegetables helps you lose weight  because it takes longer to digest.

They also ensure a pleasant feeling of satiety that lasts longer.

This can also prevent constipation  and other intestinal complaints,  because the dietary fiber improves the digestive system’s metabolism.

Broccoli soup


This broccoli soup has a very filling effect due to the combination of liquid and solid ingredients.

This makes it easier for you to lose weight  and at the same time improve your immune system.

While cabbage soup has become popular as a way to lose weight recently, this broccoli soup is at least as beneficial, if not more.

Benefits of a broccoli soup diet

  • This soup provides valuable antioxidants such as vitamins C and E, beta-carotene, flavonoids and isothiocyanates. Vitamin C is necessary for collagen synthesis, this keeps the skin healthy and flexible. Vitamin E  protects the skin’s cell membranes.
  • Broccoli has anti-cancer properties. The nutrients contained in these vegetables have  anti-cancer properties  and are therefore highly recommended for various types of cancer.
  • In addition, they have a detoxifying effect and also help against cellulite. Broccoli also contains selenium, an active ingredient that can improve estrogen metabolism in the liver.
  • In addition, broccoli has base-forming properties and thus regulates the pH value in the blood.  As a result, the organism can fight off diseases better.
  • This broccoli soup also has anti-inflammatory properties, protects the digestive system, and helps prevent stomach ulcers and various types of stomach cancer.
  • These vegetables also contain potassium, but hardly provide any fat.  That is why it is highly recommended for heart health. In addition, as already mentioned, broccoli helps with weight loss and has a filling effect.
  • This vegetable is also highly recommended for eye health. It contains lutein, which protects against degenerative diseases such as cataracts and age-related macular degeneration.

A simple recipe

We recommend this simple recipe for a healthy broccoli soup:


  • 2 potatoes
  • 1 broccoli
  • 1/2 onion
  • water
  • salt


  • Cut the onion and then peel the potatoes.
  • Wash the broccoli and then cut it into pieces.
  • Then cook everything with a little salt in the water for 20 minutes. Use only as much water as you need to avoid losing nutrients.
  • Then process everything with the mixer until you get a creamy soup.
  • You can also take out some of the vegetables beforehand and use them to garnish the soup.
  • Finally season.
  • You can add a bit of low-fat milk or plain yogurt if you wish.

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