Bruising: 5 Natural Tips For Relief

As long as there are no other complications, you can use some home remedies and natural remedies to relieve bruises. In some cases and with timely application, you can even achieve that no bruise occurs at all.

Bruising: 5 Natural Tips for Relief

You know it for sure: A moment you don’t pay attention and you hit your arm or leg somewhere stupid. And then the bruise or bruise is usually not long in coming.

A bruise is also known as a hematoma. This is the injury to parts of the body caused by a blow, fall or impact. This can damage the blood vessels. And as a result, blood leaks out of these small capillaries.

The resulting bruises on the skin can take on different colors. It usually begins with a purple color. This is due to the amount of blood that is in the tissue. And over time this color begins to change until the bruise disappears completely.

How long it takes for a bruise to go away always depends on the force of the fall or the impact.

Bruising: Illnesses as a Cause

Bruise on the thigh

In fact, there are diseases that make bruises more easily in those affected. It doesn’t even need a fall or impact as the cause. But that’s usually more likely to be the case with more serious illnesses.

However , a lack of vitamins can also make you more prone to bruising: Then every little clumsiness leads to a bruise appearing on your skin. So it is very important to have a healthy and balanced diet.

What to do if you have a bruise: home remedies for relief

Surely you have had bruises several times in your life. Or maybe you have one again right now.

Here we will show you how you can do something good for your battered skin and how to relieve bruises.

The home remedies presented here are very effective. You will see: Your bruises will recede faster and your skin will regain its healthy appearance.

1. Place a steak on the bruise

Surely you’ve heard this tip before or seen it in a movie or television series.

It sounds very strange to put on a piece of raw meat. Still, there is actually something behind it. However, the idea is basically to cool the affected area in good time.

Since the steak is usually taken out of the refrigerator, it is used for this purpose. For hygienic reasons, however, you should put it in a plastic wrap beforehand. It’s also important not to wait to cool until the bruise actually appears.

Rather, you should put the cool steak on immediately after the fall or something similar. This is the only way you can prevent a major bruise from developing.

2. Cool with ice cubes

Here, too, the point is to cool the affected part of the body. You should pay particular attention to the following: Do not put the ice cubes directly on the skin. Because that can lead to irritation and symptoms of frostbite.

Better to wrap them in a clean cloth or cloth bag. You then place this on the bruise. This can help reduce the swelling.

However, there is one thing that you have to pay attention to: If it is an open wound, you should not apply ice !

3. Apple cider vinegar for bruising relief

As you may have read in other articles here: Apple cider vinegar is a real miracle cure. You can really do a lot for your health with it! Apple cider vinegar can also help relieve bruises.

  • To do this, simply add a few dashes of vinegar to a bowl of cold water.
  • Then you soak a cotton ball with the liquid and then apply  it to the affected area. You will see that the vinegar actually helps. Because it improves blood circulation and thus the bruise fades faster.

4. Salt and lemon as helpers

This power duo can also help with bruises and improve the appearance of the skin in the case of bruises or bruises. For this home remedy, you simply do the following:

  • First, put freshly squeezed lemon juice and some salt on a clean cloth.
  • Then you put this on the bruise. Leave on for 30 minutes.

5. Also good: sun and massages

Bruise on arm

In fact, sun exposure can also be very useful for soothing bruises. Because the ultraviolet radiation contributes to the dissolution of bilirubin. This substance is responsible for the bruise and leaves the characteristic yellowish color.

  • In addition, a gentle massage around the affected area can also help. As a result, the blood that has accumulated there disappears and the skin looks more beautiful again. If you feel pain during the massage, it is better not to use it.

More tips on treating and relieving bruises

Here are other tips and methods in case you hit your legs or arms:

  • Elevate the affected part of the body. This will help you relieve the pain and pressure.
  • Provide rapid cooling : As mentioned above, cooling provides relief and prevents swelling.
  • Do not strain the affected part of the body. For example, if you’ve thrust your calf muscle, you should avoid standing for long periods of time.
  • Of course, ideally, you should avoid bruising in the first place. You can protect your body with appropriate clothing, for example. And teach young children to be careful when they play. They shouldn’t climb anywhere that could be dangerous for them. Nor should they kick other children into play or anything like that.
  • If you have had a bad fall, you can also take pain relievers to relieve the pain. However, aspirin is not recommended for this. Because aspirin can speed up blood circulation.
  • You should also increasingly vitamin C you take. This makes bruises disappear more easily.
  • If you have a bruise, you should pay some attention to it. Watch the development. Because if it doesn’t get better or even worsens, you should definitely see a doctor to find out the cause.
  • If you have a bruise around your eyes and your eyesight is impaired, you must definitely see a doctor. Then it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination.

A bruise isn’t that bad, but …

You are probably used to minor bruises too, and they don’t particularly scare you. It’s also been something that has been part of it since childhood: You fall or bump yourself and get a bruise. And this simply goes away after a while.

Even so, it’s important to make sure that the bruise isn’t actually anything serious. You should know how to treat him and relieve can thus become nothing worse therefrom. We are sure that you will succeed well with these tips!

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