Carpal Tunnel Syndrome: 5 Pain Relieving Yoga Exercises

Yoga exercises can be very helpful in relieving the pain and stiffness associated with carpal tunnel syndrome.

Carpal tunnel syndrome: 5 pain relieving yoga poses

Carpal tunnel syndrome is very often caused by the use of electronic devices. The resulting inflammation causes pressure damage to the median nerve, which gives different parts of the hand sensitivity and mobility. Pain relieving yoga exercises can help.

This disease can develop if the same movements are performed over and over for a long period of time. However, infections or injuries in the wrist area and obesity can also be the causes of carpal tunnel syndrome.

The most important symptoms are pain and stiffness,  but tingling, numbness, and muscle weakness can also occur.

In most cases, these symptoms are sporadic and mild, but the symptoms can become severe enough to require surgery.

To prevent this from happening, it is worth doing certain yoga exercises (asana) that can support the healing process.

Then you will find 5 pain relieving yoga exercises that are very helpful.

1. Pain relieving yoga exercises: Tadasana (The Mountain Pose)

Woman carpal tunnel syndrome

This asana is one of the basic postures. Even if it seems very simple, it has numerous advantages for the organism. 


  • Focus on deep breathing.
  • Stand upright on a mat with your legs together, your big toes and heels touching each other.
  • Then, lift your toes and spread them apart, placing them firmly but carefully on the floor.
  • Then distribute your body weight evenly on both feet.
  • Rotate the thighs and shins slightly inward and stretch the back of the legs.
  • Then tighten your kneecap and thighs.
  • Draw in your stomach slightly, expand your chest, and then make sure your back is straight.
  • Your arms are on the sides of your body and then point your fingers down.
  • Exhale, then relax your shoulders in a slow motion.
  • Finally, imagine that you are hanging from your forehead with a string that gently pulls your body upwards.

2. Pain Relieving Yoga Exercises: Dhanurasana (The Bow)

This asana stretches the body and promotes concentration. The tense and stiff muscles are loosened. 

This exercise is ideal for relieving symptoms of carpal tunnel syndrome while strengthening the lumbar area.


  • Lie on your stomach on the yoga mat with your arms on the sides of your body. Support your forehead on the mat.
  • Inhale and bend your legs back, holding your ankles with your hands.
  • At the same time you lift your head, chest and thighs off the floor so that your body forms an arch.
  • Hold this position for 20 seconds while breathing deeply.
  • As you slowly let go of your legs, exhale and rest on the floor for 30 seconds.

3. Pain relieving yoga exercises: Gomukhasana (cow face)


This asana  stretches the shoulders and chest area,  so the inflamed middle nerve benefits greatly from it.

This also relaxes the muscles in the lumbar area and stretches the wrists.


  • You sit on a yoga mat and then cross your legs so that your left heel is at your right hip.
  • Then lift the right leg over the left and position it at the hip on that side.
  • Then raise your right arm over your head and bend it backwards.
  • The left hand reaches from below for the right. Then try to cross your fingers, or at least touch the fingertips. Be careful with this, however. The two elbows gently pull in the opposite direction.
  • The back then remains upright and the focus is on the front.
  • Then stay in this position for 15 to 20 seconds and then relax.

    4. Pain Relieving Yoga Exercises: Anjali Mudra (Prayer Posture)

    This posture is one of the most relaxing. It has very positive effects on the body and mind and helps  to relieve stress and pain. 


    • You sit on a yoga mat, preferably in a quiet, quiet place. Then you bring your palms together as if you are praying.
    • Gently open your fingers to widen the space of the carpal tunnel  while taking a deep breath. Hold this asana for a minute.

    5. Pain Relieving Yoga Exercises: Garudasana (The Eagle)


    This posture helps relax muscles and joints. Those with carpal tunnel syndrome  can use it to relax the wrists and reduce inflammation and stiffness. 


    • You stand on a yoga mat, preferably in a free, quiet place. The palms point forward, the fingers are slightly apart.
    • Then bend both knees and cross your right thigh over your left. Try to bring your right foot to the outside of your left calf.
    • Keep your balance, then bring both elbows up until they form a right angle with your shoulders. Slide your right arm under your left to cross your arms.
    • Then bring your palms together.
    • Then hold this asana for 30 seconds, breathing deeply in and out.

    Do you feel like doing these exercises at home? Find a quiet place and use it to  help alleviate your symptoms. 

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