Chestnuts: The 10 Benefits For Your Diet

Did you know that chestnuts do not cause high insulin levels and that their carbohydrates are slowly absorbed? This is exactly why they are a great ally for every diabetic.

Chestnuts: The 10 Diet Benefits

Chestnuts are the fruit nuts that come from a chestnut tree. The scientific name of this tree is Castanea Sativa . The tree belongs to the beech family ( Fagaceae ) and grows in temperate climates in the northern hemisphere.

The edible part is the yellowish or light area that has a pleasant and slightly sweet taste. Chestnuts are nuts that mainly occur in autumn or winter. It is important to know that you should never eat them raw. Because they contain some active ingredients which, when consumed raw, can cause digestive problems.


One of the main properties of the chestnut is that it is particularly low in calories. Nevertheless, with its high amount of fiber, proteins and carbohydrates, it is very nutritious and ideal for a healthy diet. It’s also a great source of minerals. For example, chestnuts contain magnesium, potassium, iron and phosphorus.

Nutritional value of chestnuts

For every 100 grams of chestnuts:

  • 225 calories
  • 40 g of water
  • 40 g complex carbohydrates
  • 6 g fat
  • 5 g of vegetable protein
  • 8 g of fiber

They also contain vitamin E and B vitamins (B1, B2, B3, B6 and B9).

10 benefits of chestnuts in your diet

wine and chestnuts

1. Chestnuts satisfy the appetite

Chestnuts are a very filling food because of their fiber and carbohydrates. So it’s a good idea to include them in your daily diet.

2. They strengthen the bones

These nuts are good sources of calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Therefore, they help keep your bones healthy and prevent premature osteoporosis.

3. They stimulate your nervous system

The nervous system is very important as it is responsible for controlling many areas of the body. Chestnuts are beneficial for the nervous system by providing your body with plenty of antioxidants, which in turn contribute to the development of good mental health.

4. How do chestnuts work for diabetics?

diabetes test

Diabetics can only benefit. Your body absorbs carbohydrates slowly, which prevents blood sugar levels from changing drastically.

5. Chestnuts contain amino acids

Chestnuts contain an extraordinary amount of amino acids that are important for a healthy diet. Therefore, people who follow a vegan diet, seniors and athletes can eat them without any problems.

6. Gluten free

gluten intolerance

Whether as a whole nut or in the form of flour, the chestnut is a good ally for people with celiac disease or gluten intolerance. There are several ways you can benefit from using them in place of cereals that contain gluten.

7. They protect you from cardiovascular disease

Nuts are foods that help protect the heart and improve the quality of life. They contain extraordinarily healthy fats and are fortified with high amounts of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids. They do not contain cholesterol, so they are a natural alternative to include in your daily diet.

8. They help with digestion

Chestnuts have a proud amount of fiber which is beneficial for digestion. This nut helps your intestinal flora create favorable conditions to prevent constipation or pain, as well as diseases of the colon such as diverticulosis or colon cancer.

9. Chestnuts are good for your blood pressure

hot chestnuts

People with high blood pressure can easily eat them because they are low in sodium and high in potassium. In addition, because of their diuretic effect, they are particularly beneficial for people who suffer from edema and need to regulate fluids in the body.

10. Natural energy booster and good for skin irritation

To prevent fatigue and lack of energy, e.g. For example, in people with anemia, chestnuts can be very helpful because of their iron content. It is recommended to eat them with fruits that contain vitamin C to improve digestion at the same time.

After all, they don’t just have many benefits in the form of food. The oil extracted from chestnuts is also ideal for external treatments such as skin or scalp care. You can use it to treat wounds or abrasions, and even reduce small swellings. Lastly, they help relieve a sore throat.

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