Coca Cola: 8 Possible Uses That You Do Not Know Yet

Coca Cola can be found in most households, but many are unfamiliar with the many possible uses. Today you will find out what you can use this soft drink for.

Coca Cola: 8 Uses You Didn't Know Before

Coca Cola is very popular around the world, some even claim that it is the most consumed drink after water.

This soft drink is sold in over 200 countries and has had record sales worldwide since it was formulated in 1866.

But despite these overwhelming numbers,  there are also many polemics about  the numerous side effects that the drink can have on the organism.

The ingredients have been analyzed many times, with  a very high content of sugar and additives that can cause serious illnesses in the long term.

Even if many still ignore this, various side effects become noticeable just a few hours after ingesting a single glass.

However, Coca Cola also has various alternative uses that  can be used without harming health.

Then we list 8 ways to use this drink around the house. Read on to learn more about it.

1. Remove rust stains from the bathtub


The phosphoric acid contained in this soft drink  is also very useful for removing rust stains that can form in the bathtub.


  • Soak a sponge with Coca Cola and then rub the stains vigorously with it.
  • Repeat several times until the stains are removed.

2. Remove grease stains from clothing

Coca Cola can also be very useful for greasy stains on clothing that are difficult to remove.


  • Put a glass of Coca Cola in the washing machine with the normal detergent and then switch on the normal wash cycle.
  • After washing, there will be no more grease stains.

3. Clean the coins


Coin collections or other metallic elements can be  made to shine again with the popular soft drink.


  • Put all the coins in a container and then pour Coca Cola over them.
  • Leave the coins in there for a few minutes, then buff them with a clean cloth.

4. Loosen the screws

Over time, screws can rust and then it is very difficult to unscrew them when necessary.

In this case, not just a few drops of oil can help, Coca Cola is also a good choice.


  • Moisten the screw with a little Coca Cola and let it sit for a few minutes before turning it on.

5. Clean paint stains on furniture


When painting the walls, furniture or the floor may get splashes of paint. Instead of buying expensive cleaning chemicals,  you can try Coca Cola, which you likely have in the fridge.


  • Squirt some Coca Cola onto the dirty surface, let it work for 5 minutes and then wash off the paint.

6. Clean pots and pans

Cleaning pots and pans is not always easy. Fat and food residues accumulate in it, which over time change and disturb the color of the pan.

To restore pots and pans to their original shine,  cleaning them with Coca Cola is worthwhile.


  • Add half a cup of Coca Cola to the pan or saucepan, heat for 4 minutes and then rinse.

7. Clean the toilet


Unsightly yellowish stains can appear in the toilet that  are not easy to remove. The popular soft drink can also help here.


  • Pour the contents of a can of Coca Cola into the toilet and let it work for an hour. The phosphoric acid does a good job here. Then brush.

    8. Clean clogged pipes with Coca Cola

    The  acids it contains are an excellent alternative to harmful chemicals when it comes to clearing clogged drains .


    • Pour half a liter down the drain and then let the acids work for an hour or two. Then you pour 2 liters of boiling water.
    • This will give you excellent results and at the same time eliminate unpleasant odors.

    You now know how useful this drink can be in the household and you can benefit from it at any time. Do you know any other uses for Coca Cola?

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