Cold? 6 Simple And Natural Tips

Do you have a cold? You can treat it yourself at home with these simple and natural tips. You can find out how to do this in this article.

Cold?  6 simple and natural tips

In this article, we’ll give you 6 tips on how to treat your cold at home. You will find very simple and natural advice here. Because you can actually alleviate these virus infections quite well yourself. Here are a few simple guidelines and home remedies. But above all, rest and relaxation are important so that you get well again.

If you have a cold , then you are likely dealing with upper respiratory tract inflammation as well. And these cause you discomfort and discomfort. But these tips will definitely help you relieve the symptoms. And speed up the recovery process.

6 Natural and Easy Home Tips to Help You With Your Cold

1. You shouldn’t resort to antibiotics

First of all, let’s be clear: A cold is usually a viral infection. Therefore , it would be pointless and even harmful to take antibiotics. Because these are intended to treat bacterial infections.

The main symptom of a cold is inflammation of the upper respiratory tract. The nose, throat, windpipe, larynx, sinuses and even ears can be affected. Therefore, the remedies or medications that are usually taken are aimed at alleviating these ailments.

2. Which remedies are natural and effective?

Honey, lemons, garlic

Some natural remedies can help you manage your cold at home. Because there are certain foods that are characterized by their antiviral properties, or have a decongestant or expectorant effect. Both of these can be very useful for a cold:

  • Ginger : Has an expectorant effect. It also provides a lot of warmth for the body. And that will help you treat the infection.
  • Garlic : Raw garlic is an effective way to fight viruses.
  • Ceylon cinnamon : This spice is expectorant. It is also anti-inflammatory and antiviral.
  • Lemon : Helps, among other things, with a blocked nose.
  • Cayenne pepper : Although this pepper is a very hot remedy: In small amounts it strengthens the immune system. And also helps with a blocked nose.
  • Bee honey : relieves the cough. And loosens the slime.
  • Licorice : It has expectorant properties. It also helps against coughs. And it has antiviral and anti-irritant properties (protection of the mucous membranes).

3. Drinking enough is particularly important if you have a cold

To treat your cold at home, it is especially important that you keep your body hydrated. In addition, this simple tip will also help you liquefy the mucus that has accumulated from the common cold. For example, this can help relieve symptoms like a stuffy nose.

You should not only consume normal drinking water. Because especially warm teas will do you very well. So you can prepare different teas from some of the medicinal plants mentioned in the previous point. Homemade soups and fruit or vegetable juices are also recommended.

4. You should keep your airways moist

Cold man inhales

Another tip for your cold is to try to keep your airways moist. Because in this way you prevent, among other things, the unpleasant dry cough and annoying sore throat.

There are several possibilities for that. One is the use of a humidifier. Some even have the option of adding essential oils. In this case, you can choose essences like eucalyptus, lemon, pine or oregano, for example.

Another option is to do inhalations. Because this way your airways can open directly and also clean and moisten. You can achieve immediate relief with eucalyptus vapors, for example.

5. Rest and relaxation are necessary when you have a cold

A cold can also be a sign on your body. He is asking you to rest and relax. Because a cold can simply run like a cleansing process of the organism. At least if you follow this advice.

It is important to keep the following in mind: If you force yourself to just carry on with your cold despite your cold, you will only achieve that the symptoms worsen and the symptoms last longer. In addition, you run the risk of becoming seriously ill this way.

Therefore, if you have a cold, you should take time for yourself and your body. Make yourself some healing teas. And dress warmly to avoid temperature fluctuations. In addition, you should really take care of rest and relaxation. Because that’s what your body asks you to do. Therefore, you should listen to him and if possible not go out of the house. You should of course also give up all harmful or unhealthy habits as far as possible.

6. When should you see a doctor?

Woman with a cold in bed

Finally, it should be noted when you should see a doctor if you have a cold :

  • For example, people who belong to risk groups should consult a doctor. These include children, pregnant women, the elderly or people with an illness.
  • It is also advisable to see a doctor if you experience severe breathing difficulties.
  • Likewise, if the coughed up mucus has a color other than a whitish one.
  • If there is pain or other discomfort in the ears, you should also go to the doctor!
  • If you have a fever above 39 ° C and it lasts for more than 4 days, it is also a case for the family doctor. The same applies if the fever was gone, but suddenly comes back after a day.
  • Likewise, if you have more symptoms than a pure cold, or if you feel very unwell.
  • You should also see a doctor if your cough does not go away after a few days, or if you have an extremely strong cough.

You will see: With this simple piece of advice you will be able to treat your cold yourself at home. At the same time, you give your body a break. In this process, the above foods and other tips will help you, and in a few days you will be safe and sound again!

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