Cosmetic Uses Of Hydrogen Peroxide

Before using hydrogen peroxide, you should make sure that you do not have an allergic reaction to this product. Therefore, check the tolerance before the first application on a small area of ​​skin.

Cosmetic uses of hydrogen peroxide

The possible uses of hydrogen peroxide  are very diverse, so this agent should not be missing in any household.

Then we will show you 7 ways to use hydrogen peroxide in cosmetics.

Possible uses of hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) has excellent disinfecting and antiseptic effects and can therefore be found in almost every medicine cabinet.

1. Reduce pigment spots

The formation of pigment spots is favored by long exposure to the sun, exposure to cold and the natural aging process of the skin .

The dark areas that are clearly distinguishable from the skin are very difficult to hide, especially on the face. But hydrogen peroxide can help reduce it.

However, it is important to use the correct amount!

What you have to do:

  • Apply an exfoliator to the face (it can be a homemade or purchased product) and wash it off well.
  • Then moisten some cotton wool with hydrogen peroxide and dab the agent on the pigment spots. Let the liquid sit for a few minutes and then wash your face with warm water.
  • Use this treatment 1 to 2 times a week, always in the evening.

2. Eliminate blackheads

It’s not just teenagers who have acne problems. These skin problems can also occur as a result of stress, a high-fat diet, or during menstruation.

Blackheads are caused by bacteria that clog the pores of the skin. Hydrogen peroxide is a good disinfectant that can kill bacteria.

What you have to do:

  • It is very easy to use. Simply put some hydrogen peroxide on the critical areas after showering and before going to bed.
  • Use this treatment daily. Don’t forget to wash your face the next morning.

3. Teeth whitening

Who wouldn’t want a bright white smile like the one from the toothpaste advertising? However, as a result of smoking, coffee, and aging, teeth gradually turn yellow.

Here, too, hydrogen peroxide can be of great help. In addition, you can increase the effect by consuming raw foods (carrots, apples and celery).

What you have to do:

  • This treatment is also very simple: soak a cotton ball in hydrogen peroxide and after brushing your teeth in the evening, dab the cotton ball on the individual teeth.
  • If you don’t want to waste that much time, you can also rinse your mouth with 3 parts water and 1 part hydrogen peroxide.
  • In order not to damage the tooth enamel , this treatment should only be carried out once a week.

4. Elimination of stains on the nails

By constantly painting the fingernails, they have no time to “breathe”, which means that they become brittle and fragile. In addition, unsightly white or yellow spots appear on the fingernails over time.

What you have to do:

  • To restore the nails to their original color, immerse them in a mixture of water and a few drops of hydrogen peroxide for 5 minutes.
  • Then wash and dry your hands well. Don’t paint your fingernails for the next two days.
  • Always repeat the process after removing the nail polish.

    5. Lightening the hair

    If you want to save the money on a new look, you can also give your hair a shiny shimmer with hydrogen peroxide.

    Most hair dyes contain hydrogen peroxide, even if in a lower concentration than in disinfectants.

    What you have to do:

    • Put hydrogen peroxide and water in a spray can. Make sure to mix both ingredients in the same proportion.
    • Wash your hair as usual and while combing, spray  the mixture in small amounts onto the still wet hair (first dry the hair with a towel).
    • Do not wash off the liquid afterwards and repeat the process two to three times a week.
    • In about a month you will notice significant changes: you will notice beautiful color effects!

    6. Eliminate bad smells

    For those who sweat a lot in the heat, hydrogen peroxide can be very useful.

    Thanks to its antibacterial effect, it can eliminate microorganisms that cause a bad smell in the armpit or foot area.

    What you have to do:

    • You can use hydrogen peroxide as a deodorant simply by soaking a cloth or paper in the liquid and using it to moisten your armpits.
    • You can also use it to neutralize odors from shoes or socks.

    7. Lighten the hair of the skin

    Just as hydrogen peroxide gives scalp hair a lighter shimmer, it can also lighten facial or body hair.

    For example, if you do not like the hair on your arms because they are very dark, you can use hydrogen peroxide to lighten them significantly so that they are no longer as visible.

    What you have to do:

    • Apply a little hydrogen peroxide to the desired areas after showering, let it work for a few minutes and then wash off with warm water.
    • To accelerate the effects, you can go to the sun after the application.

    You too can benefit from these possible uses of hydrogen peroxide!

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