Crying Is Healthy: 6 Good Reasons

When you cry, it helps you to live out your emotions. This is how you can prevent them from being suppressed and, in the worst case, turn into more serious problems. Depression or anxiety disorders could develop. Crying is healthy and there are good reasons for it.

Crying is healthy: 6 good reasons

Crying is a weakness for many people. Nothing could be further from the truth. When you cry, you open up and get rid of repressed feelings. Crying is healthy.

Also, the reasons we cry aren’t necessarily negative – we often cry for joy.

In our society there is still a firm belief that we must all be strong. And that also means that we don’t show our feelings to anyone. Crying is not accepted. When you get rid of this armor, you suddenly feel vulnerable and vulnerable. It can be very scary.

You have probably heard the saying “real men don’t cry” before . Well, then it might be amazing news that men have emotions at least as vulnerable as women. Men’s feelings are sometimes even more sensitive.

They have the same feelings as everyone else, but unfortunately, due to misunderstood masculinity, social pressures and expectations, men repress their feelings far too often.

If you constantly suppress your feelings, it can ultimately lead to psychological problems. And then these make you really weak. You will never find a way out of your problems and your fears as long as you don’t admit and talk about them.

When you cry, you should never be ashamed of your tears. Crying is completely normal. Crying is healthy . And it means that you are human. In addition, you should always remember that crying has numerous benefits for your emotional and physical health.

In today’s article  we want to show you 6 good reasons why it is so important and healthy to cry.

When you have read it, you will surely decide for yourself that in the future you will no longer suppress all feelings and keep everything to yourself. Get rid of this huge emotional burden. Crying is healthy and helps you do that.

6 good reasons why you should allow yourself to cry

1. Crying reduces stress

Stress - crying is healthy

Every day you are exposed to countless stressful situations. This includes negative thoughts, problems at work, in your relationship, or in friendships.

If you don’t know how to properly deal with all of these feelings, you can quickly feel overwhelmed. Maybe you get the feeling that everything is growing over your head and you no longer know what to do. And sometimes in situations like this we say or do things that we later deeply regret.

Crying is a great way to relieve such pressure and stress. It helps you to let go of all negative feelings and worries and thus to free yourself. Crying is healthy and important for your mental hygiene.

It doesn’t matter how you do it. Sometimes you cry alone, and sometimes it helps a lot to have an understanding friend by your side.

  • Tears release a hormone called adrenocorticotropin, also known as the stress hormone. And two natural pain relievers, prolactin and leucine-enkephalin.
  • That’s why you feel calmer after crying.

2. Crying helps you cope with pain

There is nothing more painful than the loss of a loved one or a broken heart. There are times when you have very chaotic thoughts when your feelings are extremely vulnerable.

When you experience grief or pain, it is perfectly normal for you to cry. Don’t worry, crying is the best way to manage all of these emotions. Your negative and heavy feelings come to the surface. They become tangible and so you can begin to process them.

It is much easier to deal with your feelings when you can somehow grasp them. They are then no longer undefined and nebulous. Crying is an important step in managing and processing emotional and physical pain.

Let’s take a simple example. When a child falls off their bike and injures themselves in the process, their first reaction comes automatically. He cries because he feels physical pain from falling. The same goes for your feelings: you try to express what hurts you.

3. Crying is healthy and improves your mood

Mood - crying is healthy

When you cry, your body produces endorphins. These endorphins can greatly improve your mood.

As we mentioned earlier, your tears can make you feel great relief. Through them you can free yourself from the pressure that has built up inside you.

This in turn can help you to feel more comfortable with yourself and to be more satisfied with yourself. Crying can also alleviate mood swings.

  • If you cry out of grief or sadness, you will not feel completely happy and satisfied afterwards. However, after crying, you will notice a significant improvement in your mood and feelings.
  • You will be able to see the whole situation more clearly and maybe get a new perspective on it. We all go through tough times and sometimes we even break down under the burden. However, after going through the heartache and pain, we will come out stronger from this situation.

4. Crying alleviates psychosomatic complaints

Your brain works like this: when it realizes that something is not good for you or hurts you, it automatically sends a warning message to the body. Our minds and thoughts are very powerful. But sometimes they are also a double-edged sword.

If you do not get rid of negative emotions, feelings and dull thoughts regularly, you run the risk of suffering from psychological or psychosomatic symptoms sooner or later. Maybe you will get depressed or develop an anxiety disorder. This can also affect and weaken your self-esteem.

All of these problems automatically provoke certain reactions in your body.

Think of people who are constantly depressed or sad. Most of the time, they are unable to express their feelings and instead keep them deep inside. Such people are very often prone to digestive problems or even suffer from eating disorders. In addition, they are much more prone to respiratory problems and cardiovascular diseases. Sayings such as “that takes my breath away” or “having a heavy heart” are no accident.

5. Crying can improve your relationships

Relationship - crying is healthy

We often behave differently in stressful situations than we would otherwise. When you are sad, angry, frustrated, or maybe even depressed, there are times when you say or do things that you later regret.

As soon as we keep our feelings to ourselves too often and not let them go, this can lead to a lot of pressure building up inside us. As a result, we could then tend to react impulsively and rashly and hurt ourselves or others.

Maybe you think that nobody knows and nobody can understand how you feel at such times anyway. You may feel that you don’t need anyone to help you overcome your pain and grief. In this way, you automatically distance yourself from the people who would like to help you so much.

And that distance and loneliness only make the whole situation worse.

There is no better feeling than feeling understood. You can feel how important you are for your loved ones and those close to you.

Most of us want someone to be interested in our thoughts and problems. However, when it comes to fear of emotional harm, some people feel discouraged.

Your interpersonal relationships will improve significantly if you put your trust in other people. Trust also means sharing things with each other. In this way you will understand and feel that you are protected by the other. This will make you feel more secure. Mutual care for the other’s wellbeing is a very human need.

6. Crying is good for your eyes

When you cry, it automatically moisturizes the lining of your eyes.

Conversely, this means: if you suppress your tears, then this prevents the necessary moistening of your eyes. This can affect your eyesight because your eyes are too dry. One of the most important things you do with your tears is to moisten your eyes. So you see, crying is healthy for your eyes.

It is important that you are aware that your tears are caused by a series of chemical reactions. They are triggered by various factors:

  • Your individual life situation
  • External influences that irritate or irritate the mucous membrane of the eyes
  • Biochemical reactions between your brain (memories, thoughts, feelings) and your personality and your current state.

    You now understand how important it is to allow yourself your tears. Crying is healthy. Have the courage to cry more often.

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