Dandelion Tea In The Evening: 5 Good Reasons

Dandelion tea can prevent nocturnal sugar spikes and also strengthen the immune system. However, you should always consult your doctor before taking it.

Dandelion tea in the evening: 5 good reasons

This meadow herb can be found everywhere and we are grateful for it, because dandelions are a gift from nature. Prepare yourself a dandelion tea every night to  reap  all the benefits!

Dandelion is one of the most effective medicinal herbs  available to us. Not only does this plant aid digestion, it also has many other health-promoting properties.

In today’s post, we recommend you make dandelion tea  before bed to get certain benefits. Read on to see for yourself!

1. Dandelion tea for healthy kidneys and liver

The liver is particularly active during the night. Various cleaning processes are carried out in the organism, enzymes are metabolized, vitamins are produced …

In order for all of these functions to work properly, dinner must not be too late or too lavish. The liver can only do its job effectively when digestion is complete.

Antioxidants support various liver functions. That’s why we recommend a cup of dandelion tea every evening.

Don’t forget that this meadow herb has a strong diuretic effect. This supports the work of the kidneys. Pollutants and excess fluids can thus be excreted more easily in the urine.

In addition, dandelion inhibits microbial growth in the urinary tract. This plant also balances the sodium-potassium balance in the organism.

2. Dandelion tea against nocturnal sugar spikes

Dandelions for dandelion tea

Blood sugar levels are usually balanced a few hours after eating. But especially in  diabetics, blood sugar levels rise at night. 

  • Certain hormones, such as cortisol or epinephrine, can cause high blood sugar levels at night or early in the morning.
  • However, there could be other causes as well: e.g. forgetting to take blood sugar-lowering medication or a wrong dinner.

Dandelion tea in the evening is a very simple home remedy to prevent these nightly blood sugar imbalances.

3. Dandelions against infections

This meadow herb contains essential fatty acids,  antioxidants (e.g. beta-carotene) as well as vitamin C, potassium, iron, calcium, magnesium, zinc, phosphorus and also vitamin D.

This very healthy cocktail is excellent  for relieving internal inflammation  processes associated with osteoarthritis or arthritis, for example.

Dandelion tea can help with any nighttime tingling sensations in your hands or feet. It also  relieves joint pain. So what are you waiting for?

4. Works against constipation

Dandelions for tea

If digestion is working perfectly, bowel movements usually occur in the morning.

  • To promote this, there is a very simple means  with which the intestinal peristalsis can be activated:  dandelion tea!
  • Dandelion contains important fiber and can help prevent gastrointestinal complaints.

Not only does this tea help with stomach pain, it can also help prevent gas and bloating.

In this way you can achieve a relaxed, restful sleep and in the morning you are ready for the first visit to the toilet.

5. Dandelions strengthen your immune system while you sleep

In different  Studies have confirmed that this medicinal plant has  wonderful properties for strengthening the immune system. The slightly bitter taste has it all! 

Since dandelion not only has a strong cleansing effect, but also contains important vitamins, minerals and phytonutrients, it is excellent for cleaning the body of harmful substances.

At the same time, this natural treasure strengthens the body’s defenses.

So there is no easier and more effective remedy than a cup of dandelion tea before the rest of the night!

Remember, however, that dandelion should not be consumed during pregnancy. People with gallbladder problems or kidney stones also have to do without it!

If in doubt, you should definitely consult your doctor!

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