Delicious Recipes For Spice Cakes

Spice cakes are the ideal treat with coffee or tea – and not just at Christmas time! Try our recipes!

Delicious recipes for spice cakes

Spice cake in different variations tastes good for breakfast and also as a small snack. Some spice cakes go very well with chocolate, which you could pour over the spice cake as a chocolate topping. Chocolate also tastes great in batter with spice cakes.

Spice cakes from afar

Spice cake is likely originally from India or other countries in the region where the many delicious spices that go into the spice cake grow .

Spice cake can be prepared in a loaf pan, on the baking sheet or in a bowl cake or bundt cake pan.

When making spice cakes, make sure that if you don’t eat them right after baking, store them so that they don’t lose their aroma. Keep it wrapped in cling film or in a tightly closing can. And now get to the oven to bake our recipes:

Spice cake

Indian spice cake

The bananas should be very ripe and therefore soft and sweet. You can also buy overripe bananas at a reduced price in stores and then freeze them cut into small slices. So you always have soft, sweet bananas on hand when you need them.

  • 200 g of flour
  • 150 grams of sugar
  • 125 g butter
  • 100 g nuts
  • 100 g chopped chocolate
  • 3 bananas
  • 3 eggs
  • 4 teaspoons of baking powder
  • 1 point vanilla pudding powder
  • 1 tbsp milk
  • 1 point vanilla sugar
  • ½ teaspoon cinnamon
  • 1 pinch of clove powder
  • 1 pinch of nutmeg
  • 1 pinch of salt

Mix the butter with the sugar, vanilla sugar and a pinch of salt until frothy. Mash the bananas with a fork or mash them finely. Then mix the banana mixture into the sweet, whitish frothy butter.

Then gradually stir in the three eggs. Mix all other dry ingredients well except for the chocolate and nuts and gradually sift them into the dough.

Then stir in the nuts and chocolate. If the dough is difficult to tear, the consistency is correct. If it is too dry, add a tablespoon of hot milk until the batter has the desired consistency.

Bake at 180 ° C for at least 70 minutes. If there is still some batter left on the stick when you test the stick, bake the spice cake for another 10 minutes.

The spice cake tastes particularly good if you serve it lukewarm with a little whipped cream.

Spice cake with cherries

This cake is baked on a deep baking sheet and is very fruity due to the many cherries. You can also use plums instead of cherries. You need:

  • 400 g of flour
  • 200 g of sugar
  • 200 g butter, soft
  • 100 g couverture
  • 6 eggs
  • 1x vanilla sugar
  • 3 tbsp cocoa powder
  • 1 pack of baking powder
  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon powder
  • 1 sachet of gingerbread spice
  • 1 tbsp rum
  • 2 glasses of sour cherries

The procedure for this spice cake is the same as for the previous recipe : Mix the softened butter with the sugar and vanilla sugar until it is white. Then gradually add the rum and each egg individually so that the eggs and butter mixture combine to form a homogeneous cream.

Now mix the flour, baking powder, spices and cocoa powder and gradually sift the mixture into the dough while stirring. Check to see if the dough falls off the spoon and tears. If not, add some liquid by adding a spoonful of milk or rum, depending on your taste.

Drain the cherries very well. Spread the dough on a greased deep baking sheet. Spread the well-drained cherries evenly on the surface of the dough. During baking, they will sink into the batter and spread evenly throughout the cake.

Bake at 180 ° C and fan for about 20 to 25 minutes and let cool down completely. If you like, you can add chocolate icing to the cake. Dark chocolate goes particularly well with sour cherries.

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