Detoxifying The Liver: 5 Foods That Help

Our liver is constantly busy ridding the body of toxins so that our performance is not impaired. For this reason, we should do something good for her with the right diet.

Detoxing Liver: 5 Foods That Will Help With This

Have you ever heard how important it is that we detoxify our liver but you don’t know exactly how to do it? The liver is one of the largest organs in the body and has three main functions:

  • Detoxify:  The liver is responsible for collecting and eliminating the natural toxins in the body  (such as ammonia) as well as clearing the body of external toxins (such as alcohol and medication).
  • Synthesis: It plays a major role in the metabolism of ingested carbohydrates, fats and proteins as well as in the production of bile, which is essential for the digestive process.
  • Storage: Vitamins A, D, E, K and glycogen accumulate in the liver. These elements serve as a source of energy for daily activities and other functions of the body.

    We should detoxify the liver because  all the elements that it processes can make it sick and damage the organism.

    So, in this article, we’re going to provide you with a list of foods that can do just that.

    1. Detoxify the liver with papaya

    Detoxify the liver with papaya

    This fruit contains an enzyme called papain, which aids digestion and helps process foods and their nutrients properly.

    It also has a decongestant effect and is therefore also recommended if you want to lose weight.

    • Due to its digestive properties, papaya also promotes the functioning of the liver and particularly helps to eliminate excess fat in the liver and thus detoxify it.

      It is also worth mentioning that not only the pulp of the papaya can be eaten, but also the kernels. These are anti-inflammatory and can provide relief from arthritis and also help detoxify the liver.

      Try the following recipe to rid your liver of excess fat:

      • Take 20 papaya seeds and crush or grind them.
      • Mix them with lemon juice or milk.
      • Take this mixture over a month.

      2. Gooseberry

      Gooseberries contain powerful antioxidants that help rid the body of accumulated toxins.

      Taken regularly, it can not only prevent the accumulation of fat in the liver, but also prevent liver fibrosis, an inflammation of the liver. 

      The best thing to do is to simply eat the gooseberry raw. It tastes good as an addition to salads, mixed with yoghurt or you can eat a small portion straight.

      3. Detoxify the liver with lemon

      Detoxify the liver with lemon

      The lemon is one of the most famous and most commonly consumed citrus fruits.

      It is rich in vitamin C, flavonoids, malic acid and essential oils, which give it digestive and hepatic properties. It also protects the blood vessels and ensures a healthy cardiovascular system.

      Lemon can help detoxify the liver because:

      • It promotes digestion.
      • It promotes the function and performance of the liver.
      • It is rich in antioxidants that fight free radicals.
      • It prevents the premature deterioration of various organs in the body.

        If you have been diagnosed with fatty liver,  you should dissolve some lemon juice in a glass of water (200ml) and drink it. 

        Diluting it with water prevents the enamel from being attacked by the acid contained in the lemon juice.

        4. Apple cider vinegar

        Apple cider vinegar helps regulate the pH level in the body and  clears the toxins that have built up in the body.

        This supports the liver in its detoxification process and can better regulate body fats.

        There are many benefits to consuming apple cider vinegar on a daily basis, including:

          • Absorption of vitamins, minerals and essential oils. 
          • The risk of kidney infection is reduced.
          • To prevent constipation and liver problems.

        Two teaspoons (10 ml) of apple cider vinegar are recommended daily. To do this, you can simply dissolve the vinegar in a glass of water (200 ml), depending on how pleasant the taste is for you.

        Apple cider vinegar can also be used in salads and sauces.

        5. Green tea

        Green tea is rich in the antioxidant polyphenols.

        These are known to fight free radicals in the body and thus prevent premature aging of cells and complications in various organs of the body.

        Even though the positive properties of green tea are constantly being reported,  one should never exceed 10 cups a day. 

        In addition, the tea should be completely natural in order to avoid certain substances from reducing its effectiveness.

        If you don’t particularly like the taste of green tea, you should try mixing it with your favorite beverages. Experiment with your favorite fruits and vegetables until you find the perfect mix for you.

        Do something good for your liver with these foods!

        You can use these foods to detoxify your liver

        There are numerous ways to detoxify the liver, but these are some of the best.

        Now all you have to do is choose your favorite foods and incorporate them into your daily routine. Then nothing stands in the way of a healthy liver. 

        However, you should always keep in mind to consult a doctor for any chronic complaints.

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