Discover 6 Natural Stomach Protection Agents

Chamomile is an excellent alternative for treating stomach pain. Drink a cup of chamomile tea after you eat to prevent or treat stomach ailments.

Discover 6 natural stomach protection agents

Annoying problems like heartburn, reflux, gastritis or general stomach upset are very common. In this case, many people quickly resort to over-the-counter  stomach protection products. However, if they are used frequently, these can lead to problems.

Is there also a natural alternative? The answer is yes. First, however, you should get a medical exam and find out the causes of the problems.

In today’s post we introduce you to the best natural stomach protection products .

Interesting facts about stomach ailments

Abdominal pain and stomach protectants

According to the Spanish Society for Digestion ( Sociedad Española de Patología Digestiva ) , the consumption of gastric protection products is increasing by 4% to 5% annually. 

Why is that? Problems like stomach ulcers, reflux, heartburn and gastritis are becoming more and more common. .. And all these complaints are related to the hydrochloric acid contained in the stomach  acid  .

  • Mostly a bad diet is responsible for this.  In combination with stress, stomach problems arise. These are usually alleviated by medication instead of clarifying and resolving their causes.
  • For good digestion, you should make your daily diet healthy and balanced.
  • Heartburn is one of the most common ailments. Fortunately, however, it can be easily alleviated. Eat more raw fruits and vegetables! Because these  contain living enzymes that protect the stomach tissue.
  • On the other hand, you should avoid sugar and pastries as much as possible. They irritate and inflame the stomach. At the same time, they are difficult to digest and never fill you up.
    • An active life that includes exercise is also essential to fighting heartburn. The daily walk, for example, helps to strengthen the immune system and improve general health.
    • Emotions also have a big impact on our health,  so try to manage them properly. Because the stomach is also known as the second brain – fears and worries are particularly noticeable here.

    The best natural gastric protectants

    1. Apples

    Apples as a stomach protection agent

    You know for sure that apples are not only delicious, but also easy to digest and very healthy. They have anti-inflammatory effects  and protect the stomach.  

    • So that the apple can act like a natural stomach protection agent, the peel must be eaten with it (organic apples!).
    • The bowl contains pectin and glycine ; two excellent acid inhibitors that should be consumed regularly. It is important to buy organically grown apples that are not contaminated with pesticides.

    2. Sodium hydrogen carbonate (baking soda)

    Not everyone reacts the same to baking soda. Therefore, before using this home remedy, you should seek advice from your doctor.

    Soda has an alkaline effect and has many health-promoting effects. Among other things, it improves digestion and also  protects the liver and kidneys.

    Baking soda is a very effective stomach protection agent. Put a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water and drink this mixture daily after the main meal.

    3. Aloe Vera juice

    Aloe Vera is one of the most interesting and best natural gastric protection agents.

    This plant is ideal for treating the following ailments:

    • Inflammation
    • Gastrointestinal problems
    • Parasites
    • stomach pain
    • heartburn 

    First, take half a teaspoon (3 grams) of aloe vera gel from inside a leaf. Then dissolve this in a glass of water.

    If it doesn’t dissolve well, you can warm up the mixture a little bit. This drink is taken at room temperature after meals. You will feel comfortable with it!

    4. Organic apple cider vinegar

    Do you have organic apple cider vinegar at home? If the answer is yes, then you have one more stomach protection product. However, you should note:  the more cloudy the better (less processed), preferably with the mother of vinegar.

    For this remedy, first add a teaspoon (5 ml) of apple cider vinegar to a water glass (200 ml) and then drink this mixture twenty minutes before you eat –  an excellent home remedy for better digestion and for heartburn. 

    5. Chamomile tea

    Chamomile for the stomach

    Chamomile blossom tea tastes pleasant and has a relaxing effect at the same time. This tea can also be very helpful for digestive disorders.

    Chamomile tea is also  very popular as a stomach protectant. Because it promotes the production of magnesia. It is best to drink the chamomile tea lukewarm (not too cold and not too hot!).

    6. Licorice

    We don’t mean the typical sweet that children love, but the liquorice root. Incidentally, this also helps ex-smokers to cope with their nicotine addiction.

    Licorice root can be bought as a ready-made tea blend in health food stores. It produces a gel that sticks to the stomach walls and protects against acid. 

    Eating better and regularly consuming these natural stomach protectants will improve your general health  and relieve stomach ailments.

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