Do Herbs And Spices Help With High Blood Sugar?

More and more people read about herbs and spices that are supposed to lower blood sugar levels. What herbs and spices are they and how does it work?

Do herbs and spices help with high blood sugar?

Herbs and spices can also have medicinal properties, and some are said to lower blood sugar levels. But is it possible to regulate blood sugar levels with such kitchen ingredients? And if so, with what amounts of which herbs and spices does it work?

Herbs and spices with medicinal properties

There are herbs and spices that are not only used in the kitchen to refine dishes, but also have a considerable healing effect and have therefore been known and successfully used as natural remedies for generations.

Examples of healing herbs and spices are:

  • Turmeric against inflammation
  • Peppermint for headache and stomach ache
  • Honey used to heal injuries to the skin and mucous membranes
  • Sage for a sore throat
  • Grated apple for diarrhea

You are probably familiar with many other effective home remedies that consist of herbs and spices or simple kitchen ingredients. But what about their effectiveness against excessively high blood sugar?

In order to be able to assess this, you should first know how high blood sugar occurs in type II diabetes.

overweight woman

What causes type II diabetes?

90% of all people affected by diabetes worldwide suffer from acquired type 2 diabetes, which was formerly also known as “adult diabetes”.

Today, however, it also affects very young people, including children and adolescents, which is why the term “adult diabetes” has become obsolete.

Type 2 diabetes is in most cases self-caused by obesity and therefore occurs much more frequently in population groups with a low level of education than in population groups with a higher level of education.

20% of all health insurance expenses in Germany are due to type 2 diabetes and secondary diseases.

The main cause of type 2 diabetes is another widespread disease: obesity.

Not only the wrong food leads to diabetes, but also the wrong choice of drinks. Sugared drinks and fruit juices also promote the development of diabetes, as does a high-fat, unhealthy and excessive diet.

In type II diabetes, insulin resistance develops. This means that the body’s cells are becoming more and more resistant to insulin and more and more insulin has to be released in order to lower blood sugar.

At some point the mechanism no longer works properly and the blood sugar level remains permanently high. What can herbs and spices do there?

herbs and spices

Watch out for magnesium

Magnesium deficiency favors the development of diabetes and, in the case of existing diabetes, can lead to poor sugar levels and consequential damage to the heart and blood vessels.

Magnesium deficiency can even prevent the healing that is possible in many cases.

Magnesium is a metal and occurs in around 2% of the earth’s crust. It is also part of our body and cannot be produced by it.

It is therefore important to get enough magnesium with your food. Of course, there are magnesium tablets to supplement, but it is always better to include all vitamins and minerals in their naturally occurring form.

Herbs that you use in your everyday kitchen are also rich in magnesium and can therefore have a positive effect on type II diabetes.

These herbs include:

  • chives
  • basil
  • cress
  • parsley
  • dill
  • sage
  • coriander
  • Savory
  • marjoram
  • thyme

However, there is one small restriction with the herbs: in order to retain the maximum magnesium content, these herbs may only be used fresh and not dried.

In addition, you must not wash the herbs too thoroughly and for a long time, because otherwise some of the magnesium will be washed out during washing.

Regulate blood sugar with Ceylon cinnamon

Does cinnamon help against blood sugar?

One reads again and again that cinnamon is able to lower blood sugar levels.

But firstly, this has not been scientifically proven and secondly, Stiftung Warentest warns against the increased consumption of cinnamon, as this leads to liver damage due to the coumarin contained in cinnamon.

Therefore, please do not use cinnamon as a therapy against high blood sugar levels!

A woman celebrates her weight loss.

Can Type II Diabetes be Cured?

Since almost every case of type 2 diabetes is caused by being overweight, weight loss is always the first step to relieve type 2 diabetes.

On average, a weight loss of only 10kg (permanent!) Is enough to bring the blood sugar level back to normal. Medicines are then superfluous.

So it is up to you whether you want to continue being sick in your life, or whether you want to take responsibility for your health into your own hands and decrease it.

By the way: Not only does blood sugar normalize when you lose weight, blood pressure is also regulated downwards!

If you want to lower your blood sugar level, then weight reduction and avoidance of sugar should be the main focus – and not herbs and spices.

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