Drug To Reduce Chemotherapy In Lung Cancer

If the chemotherapy can be dosed lower, the severe side effects can also be reduced. In addition, this disease, which is usually fatal, can turn into a chronic condition. 

Drug to reduce chemotherapy for lung cancer

Even if we are told that cancer is curable, we are afraid of this disease, because radiation or chemotherapy are very aggressive treatments and are therefore feared.

Anyone who has experience with this at close range  knows that the worst is not the treatment, but its side effects. 

That is why the scientific community is looking for effective solutions to reduce chemotherapy or to replace it with other therapies.

In lung cancer in particular, this is no easy feat,  but today we are introducing important progress in this area. 

Before we go into more detail, let’s briefly name the consequences that can occur with chemotherapy , because it can not only lead to hair loss, but also to many other side effects:

  • General malaise
  • nausea
  • Nausea
  • Intense pain
  • Organ damage

It is a very powerful medication that  can affect previously healthy organs. 

When cancer is treated, a “cell battle” occurs inside the body.

The malignant cells fight the healthy ones in order to survive and concentrate all their forces on it. In order to fight the malignant attackers, drugs are used that also endanger healthy cells.


Researchers are therefore looking for alternatives to reduce or eliminate this risk. The goal is clear: to improve the quality of life of those affected and the survivors.

Immunotherapy: key to reducing chemotherapy for lung cancer

Lung cancer

This approach to therapy focuses on strengthening the healthy cells  rather than killing the malignant ones. Immunotherapy has made this its task.

Despite various advances, the long-awaited successes have not yet been achieved in lung cancer.
But they started to research  the behavior of lung tumors in order to find a new treatment option. 
It was found that the malignant cells develop a protective barrier to prevent drugs from reaching their destination. In other cases, the immune system developed some type of drug tolerance.
Therefore, the question arises: “How can you get a drug used to treat lung cancer to exceed these barriers?
A team of oncologists from the  Hospital 12 de Octubre in Madrid (Spain) made important progress in this regard.
Treatment is no longer directed towards the immune system in general, but towards a very specific protein  called PD1.
The doctor Gil Bazo, an expert in the field of cancer research, explains that the protein PD-1 together with its receptor PD-L1 is responsible for the fact that the malignant cancer cells escape recognition by the immune system.
On this basis, a drug could be developed that gives great hope. It’s called pembrolizumab.
However, it can only be used to treat lung cancer patients in whom the tumor cells have a lot of PD-L1 (at least 51%).

With this drug, lung cancer can become a chronic disease

Lung cancer

In other articles we have already talked about therapies that do not offer a definitive solution for cancer, but allow life to be prolonged, even if it is not asymptomatic.

Not so long ago, diseases like tuberculosis, syphilis, asthma, etc. were incurable and fatal, but medical advances in recent years have achieved a great deal.

Various diseases have now died out,  others can be cured or at least treated in such a way that a full life is possible.

This new therapeutic approach can reduce the side effects of chemotherapy. It was also an important step towards controlling this often fatal disease.

Lung cancer is very aggressive. The reasons for this are mostly related to lifestyle habits that are very difficult to change.

Therefore, it is a difficult-to-treat cancer type that is very often fatal.

The approval of the drug pembrolizumab in the EU is therefore a very important step on the way to victory over lung cancer.

A life of dignity is always a victory.

Various cancer researchers are still trying to take the next step. You know best yourself that there is never a last word in medicine or science.

Progress is only possible if you never give up and do not accept things as they are, but want to keep improving.

Scientists are the best example of a revolutionary spirit. They don’t settle for “that’s impossible” because it’s about improving the lives of many people.

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