Eat 300 Fewer Calories Every Day! 6 Tips

Light meals and herbal teas will help you consume up to 300 calories less every day. You can lose around half a kilo per week in this way. 

Eat 300 fewer calories every day!  6 tips

It is no secret to anyone that high calorie meals and lack of exercise cause fat to accumulate in the body. To achieve a healthy weight, today we’re going to show you ways you can ingest up to 300 fewer calories  every day  .

If you want to be successful with a weight loss diet, you have to pay attention to the calories it contains. Although  hypocaloric diets work quickly, they usually lead to failure in the medium and long term  and can also be harmful to the organism.

For this reason, it is better to avoid miracle diets and change your diet in the long term. It should be balanced and versatile. 

In addition, the following tips can help you lose weight safely and healthily by consuming 300 fewer calories a day. 

The best tricks to get 300 calories less every day

If you ingest 300 calories less each day, you can lose up to half a pound per week. However, other factors also play an important role:  metabolism, eating habits and exercise.

It will be of no use to you to follow these tricks if you continue to eat foods rich in fat and sugar that are bad for your health. Eat a healthy, balanced diet! Are you ready to try it out?

1. Healthy snacks

Eat 300 fewer calories a day

Many actually pay attention to a healthy, balanced meal that should be as low in calories as possible in order to be able to lose weight. But they grab unhealthy snacks in between, which ruin all the effort. 

A croissant has an average of around 300 kcal, plus coffee with sugar (up to 66 kcal). However, low-fat yogurt, a bowl of fruit or a glass of vegetable milk do not have more than 150 kcal. Do you fancy a healthy snack?

We have even more ideas:

  • Oatmeal with fruit
  • Oat drink
  • Whole grain biscuits with avocado
  • herbal tea
  • Mixed drink made from fruit and vegetables (without cream, sugar, etc.)
  • a handful of dried fruit with low-fat yogurt
  • Vegetable sandwich
  • orange juice

2. Simple sandwich

A sandwich or bun can be high in calories if the ingredients are not carefully considered.

If you want to eat 300 fewer calories a day, you can make a single sandwich instead of a double one. By doing without the “lid”, you can already save 110 kcal.

In addition, you should avoid mayonnaise in order to save an additional 120 kcal. If you use tuna in its own sauce instead of oil, the sandwich is another 65 kcal less!

3. Light salads

300 calories less with a light salad

Believe it or not, salads fail many diets! While they are generally considered healthy and low in calories, this is not always the case. Some salads contain many high-calorie ingredients that can put your weight at risk.

In order to ingest 300 calories less a day, you should therefore carefully consider the ingredients. If you usually use cheese, bacon, and high-calorie marinades, avoid them! 

Opt for lots of fresh and raw vegetables.

4. Less oil

There are many ways you can reduce your oil and fat consumption. There are also healthy oils, such as olive oil, rapeseed oil, or linseed oil, that you can use in moderation. 

To reduce calories, you can  steam your food instead of frying it in oil. Use a brush or spray to apply small amounts of oil.

5. Avoid cream and creamy desserts


Cream and creamy desserts are taboo in a weight loss diet. A tablespoon does not provide an average of 52 kcal,  but in desserts or soups you can quickly get 300 excess calories with cream. 

That’s why it’s best to forego it altogether. You can include low-fat yogurt or plant-based milk in your diet. But always keep it in moderation to avoid too many calories. 

6. Teas

If you feel hungry between meals, you can try to calm it down with a cup of tea. After all, it’s all about consuming 300 calories less every day. 

Teas made from certain herbs also help you to stimulate your metabolism and fat burning. In addition, they are excellent for flushing out liquids and pollutants stored in the tissue.

We recommend the following teas:

  • Green tea
  • Pineapple and ginger tea
  • red tea
  • Cinnamon and chamomile tea
  • Lemon peel tea

If you consider these tricks in your everyday life, it will be easier for you to reach your desired weight. However, don’t forget to drink a lot and get enough exercise! 

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