Emotional Needs: Food For The Soul

Our soul withers away if we do not meet its emotional needs.

Emotional needs: food for the soul

The   soul also has needs. If they are fulfilled, it is like fodder for the soul. No chocolate, but real food for the soul, which lasts much longer!

The soul is not tangible

We talk about a person’s soul every day , although it is not a tangible organ.

Nothing that can be operated on, nothing that can be seen – and yet every person has a soul that defines them, that belongs only to them personally and that makes them the person we perceive them to be.

By the soul we actually mean all feelings, mental processes and emotions of a person and not infrequently also include physical, visible actions if these are influenced or controlled by the individual soul.

The life of the soul is often used as a romantic term for the very medical-sounding word “psyche”.

If a person gets all his emotional needs met, his soul life should also be happy, the person should rest in himself and feel “full” and balanced, even happy.

Today we would like to introduce you to a selection of emotional needs that are important to a person’s peace of mind.



The term “family” here does not mean the biological family. An association of people that offers security, security, love and protection is a family.

The family is a social structure that fulfills its members’ basic needs and enables children to develop normally.

The term family can mean parents, but also other models such as single parents, adoptive parents, educators, siblings and other social caregivers. These people provide security and security within the family.

Woman man


Aristotle already said: ” Friendship is one soul in two bodies “. As a result, we share our soul life with a friend: u ur worries, fears and joys too.

This is where proverbs such as “suffering shared is suffering half” or “one heart and one soul” and “sharing joy means doubling it” also come from.

Friendships are important because a friend can be supportive when grief, worries, or fears afflict the soul.

A friend can show other points of view, find ways out and secure emotional support in great need.

A friend is someone with whom you can share any emotion, both positive and negative. In this way you reduce the burden on the soul.

Group membership

Even if we don’t really want to, because we want to be free and independent, because we hate peer pressure and are individualists. Everyone belongs to a group.

And if it’s only the group of lateral thinkers! There are many groups that are not structured or organized by associations or other umbrella organizations. Examples are: “Mothers of primary school children” or “Football fathers” or “Motorcyclists” or “Dog owners”.

Belonging to a group conveys a positive feeling of being understood, the group provides support and support, here you are understood and here you think the same way.

Belonging to a group is not always characterized by friendship.  Acceptance within the group is important, which in turn conveys security and then a certain sense of security.

Simple examples are a conversation with a strange mother of a child of the same age in the playground or with another dog owner in the park.

The group only means here: We are in a similar and the same situation in this regard.


A partnership means more than friendship or belonging to a group.

A partnership is characterized by a common goal that should be achieved together with a lot of trust.

Such goals can be on a private level, for example a couple relationship with the goal of the evening together.

But it also applies to business partnerships in which people work together towards a common goal.

Partnerships are also conceivable in leisure time, in order to achieve something together by pulling together.

Partnership means mutual trust. If you get it pronounced, it is like balm for the soul!



The culmination of all emotions, the most precious of all emotional needs!

Love is what makes us grow wings and transports our soul to seventh heaven.

Is true and genuine love involved and it is strong and mutual. Love is then able to give the soul so much “food” that other emotional needs can take a back seat.

That means: Where there is real, deep, mutual love, needs such as partnership, friendship, family and group membership are secondary. It does not have to be fulfilled to give our soul its peace and to take care of our soul’s salvation.

But basically one rule applies. If an emotional need is not or insufficiently satisfied, another emotional need – or several of them – must be satisfied all the more. This gives the soul what it needs to make us happy.

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