Exercises Against Cellulite At Home

It is best to combine different methods to improve the complexion!

Cellulite exercises at home

Cellulite is a cosmetic problem that is bothersome to many. There are various treatment options, but perseverance and willpower are required to improve the complexion. Today we are introducing various exercises against cellulite  that can be very helpful.

Cellulite  is a weak connective tissue in which fat, water and pollutants accumulate under the skin, especially in the area of ​​the thighs and the bottom. As a result, the skin becomes slack and dent-like irregularities appear on the surface.

Women in particular are affected, regardless of age or weight, because thin people can also have orange peel. 


If you want  to take action against cellulite  , you should know the most common causes:

  • hereditary predisposition,
  • unbalanced hormonal balance (often too much estrogen, e.g. oral contraceptives can cause this),
  • Sedentary lifestyle,
  • Constipation (which is why fiber is important),
  • poor blood circulation,
  • Fluid retention (e.g. due to a high-salt diet),
  • bad eating habits (too much fat, sugar and flour),
  • too much alcohol,
  • too less sleep,
  • Stress and anxiety as well
  • clothing that is too tight and restricts blood circulation.

Low-impact exercises work well against cellulite

Low-impact exercises against cellulite

Regular exercise will boost fat burning, build muscle, and reduce toxins.

In addition, less fluid is retained in the body, more oxygen is absorbed, stress hormones are reduced and digestion is stimulated. In other words, exercising regularly allows you to control the causes of cellulite and improve the complexion of your skin.

  • If you walk fast for an hour each day, blood circulation will be stimulated. A walk is great for legs and buttocks, which are among the most commonly affected areas. With just one hour a day, you will strengthen your muscles and tone your legs.
  • Dancing, biking, swimming, and other water sports work wonders in the fight against orange peel skin when practiced several times a week.
  • If you are active throughout the day and avoid long periods of sitting, this can already have a positive effect.

    Always try to use the stairs rather than the elevator and walk rather than drive.

    If you have to sit for long periods of time to work, try to keep your legs moving and get up frequently.

    For those who stand for a long time: Shake your legs and feet regularly, as staying in the same position for a long time is not beneficial either.

    Exercises against cellulite

    Exercises against cellulite

    Lying on the back

    • Lie on the floor with your legs bent and together. Relax your stomach and arms.
    • Open and close your legs while tensing your glutes and lifting your hips.

    Lying on his side

    • Lie on your right side.
    • Put your right hand under your head and lift your left leg towards the ceiling.
    • This should be done with the knee extended and without touching the right leg.
    • Repeat on the other side.


    • Bend your right leg from an upright position and lift it up to your chest.
    • Make sure your back is straight as you do this.
    • Do 3 sets of 10-15 repetitions each. Then do the same exercise with the other leg.

    With a chair

    • Make sure the chair is firmly on the floor and won’t slide.
    • Stand next to the chair and hold on to the armrest with your right hand. Now you lift your left leg as high as you can.
    • Bring the leg back down, bend the knee, and raise the leg again.
    • Repeat this exercise several times and don’t forget to switch sides.

      In the quadruped position

      • For this exercise, get on your knees and bend your arms a little.
      • Now alternately lift one knee to hip level while the other knee remains on the floor.


      • Stand up straight with your legs shoulder-width apart, your toes pointing forward, and your hands on your hips.
      • Now bend your knees to a 90 ° angle.
      • Remain in this position for up to 2 minutes and then go back to the starting position.

      Massages also help

      Cellulite massages

      Massages and regular exfoliation are essential to mobilize the retained fat as well as toxins and accumulated water.

      If you massage the affected areas every day , you will see the positive effect particularly well. Massage your skin with a peeling or a special peeling glove. The skin can temporarily become red, but this is only a sign of good blood circulation.

      When showering, you should use an anti-cellulite cream, which you rub in with round movements.

      As already mentioned, a balanced diet and regular exercise are two key elements in combating cellulite.

      It is best to integrate these tips step by step into your everyday life.

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