Fight Colds With Homemade Honey Ginger Syrup

This homemade honey ginger syrup is great for treating colds. Symptoms can be alleviated without resorting to chemistry.

Fight colds with homemade honey and ginger syrup

A couple of times a year, especially in cold weather, our immune system is weakened and a cold breaks out. Fight these with a homemade honey and ginger syrup!

Exposure to low temperatures is not the only reason, but it can significantly increase the risk of a cold.

A number of symptoms are triggered which, depending on the degree of cold, considerably reduce the quality of life.

However, there are a large number of commercial and homemade remedies that can provide significant symptom relief. Among these remedies is this natural syrup, which provides your body with nutrients. Thus it strengthens the natural defenses.

In the following we would like to show the advantages. We also present the recipe that is easy to make at home.

Try it!

Homemade honey-ginger syrup for colds

The combination of honey and ginger provides a natural syrup that combats the unpleasant symptoms of flu and colds.

These two ingredients provide the body with essential ingredients to strengthen the immune system. This allows the body to respond to the causative virus.

In contrast to conventional products, this syrup does not contain any additional chemicals. Therefore, you can take this home remedy without hesitation. There is no risk of side effects.

Benefits of honey

Fight Colds With Homemade Honey Ginger Syrup- Benefits Of Honey

Honey is strong against viruses and bacteria. It has been used as a natural remedy for centuries  and is very effective for respiratory problems.

Its high content of enzymes and essential amino acids is an effective weapon against mucus and other cold symptoms.

  • First of all, this syrup contains vitamin C and vitamin A. The body needs these to fight off viruses.
  • It provides trace elements such as potassium and magnesium. These are responsible for preventing foreign microorganisms from becoming active in the body.
  • Its anti-inflammatory power soothes the airways and thus helps against sore throats and coughs.

Benefits of ginger

Fight Colds With Homemade Honey Ginger Syrup- Benefits Of Ginger

Ginger is a spice with anti-inflammatory properties. It also has an expectorant effect and has therefore been used for a long time to treat colds.

  • The contained gingerol has an antibiotic effect. This eliminates viruses and bacteria that damage lung health.
  • Ginger is full of nutrients such as vitamin C. This is essential for a strong immune system and the production of antibodies.
  • Ginger provides the body with potassium, niacin, and phosphorus. These have a supportive effect against inflammation.
  • The sharp root also relieves the urge to cough.
  • The antioxidant content is also high. Thus, ginger helps to protect the airways and at the same time minimizes the negative effects of free radicals and toxins.

How do I make this homemade honey and ginger syrup?

Fight colds with homemade honey and ginger syrup

Making this syrup is very easy. Compared to conventional methods, it is also much cheaper.

The syrup can be stored very well. So you can make it regularly to strengthen your defenses. When the weather gets colder and you feel like a cold is looming, you can take the syrup.


  • 1 medium-sized ginger root
  • 1 cup of organic bee honey (335 g)


  • Airtight screw jar


  • Peel the ginger root and cut it into fine slices.
  • Put these in the jar and cover them with the honey.
  • Seal the jar. Put it in a dark place, such as the pantry, and let it steep for 48 hours.
  • You can start treatment after 48 hours.

Type of ingestion

  • To fight colds, consume 3-4 tablespoons of the syrup every day.
  • As a precaution, you can take 1 tablespoon per day on an empty stomach.
  • The dosage in teaspoons is suitable for children.
  • The syrup can be mixed with warm water and lemon to make it easier to take.

As you can see, it’s incredibly easy to make your own honey and ginger syrup to fight colds. Follow these recommendations and experience the benefits for yourself.

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