Fighting Naturally Dry Hair

Many people wash their hair far too often. Daily hair washing dries out the hair and scalp unnecessarily.

Combat naturally dry hair

Anyone who has oily hair thinks they have the biggest hair problem of all. But dry hair is not easy either! Fortunately, there are some natural home remedies and simple tips & tricks to help combat dry hair effectively.

Take care of the shampoo

Many people wash their hair far too often. Daily hair washing dries out the hair and scalp unnecessarily. You only have to wash your hair every day if you have a hairline that regreases extremely quickly.

Dry hair is unnecessarily stressed and further damaged by frequent hair washing . It is important to use the correct shampoo every time you wash your hair.

Dry hair needs a mild, ideally moisturizing shampoo. Under no circumstances should it be washed with shampoos that contain alcohol, as alcohol also dries out the hair.


Be gentle on your hair

Dry hair is prone to breakage and split ends, so you need to be very gentle with your hair. When shampooing, don’t rub wildly with your fingers, but massage your hairline and scalp lightly with your fingertips.

The hair below the roots is cleaned very gently if you do not shampoo there at all, but only let it run over it when rinsing out. That’s enough!

After washing, do not rub your hair dry with a towel, but gently squeeze it out and dry it in a towel turban.

Hair dries gently in the air – so really only use a hair dryer if you are pressed for time and there is no other way.

It depends on the right care!

Dry hair always needs an extra dose of care, that’s for sure! So use a conditioner for dry or damaged hair after each wash and a hair conditioner once a week. For even better results, you can leave it on overnight.

It is also important to make sure that the styling products do not dry out your hair any further.

Many hair gels, hairsprays, and other styling products contain a lot of alcohol, which will only make your hair drier. Look for gentler alternatives with less alcohol!

Take a close look at your brush! Does it have sharp corners, edges or ends? Then sort them out immediately! The gentler the brush or comb is with your hair, the less you wear it!

Oil nourishes and cares

A simple home remedy is to use oil on your hair. To do this, you heat a portion of cooking oil appropriate to your hair length and apply it to your hair. The longer it works under cling film or a shower cap (overnight), the better!

There are special hair oils on the market that you can massage into the tips during the day. If you don’t like the smell of burdock root oil, a tried and tested hair oil, you will definitely find it in the natural cosmetics area.

The oil that has been kneaded into the tips makes the hair supple and fragrant. If you have frizzy locks, you can also apply the hair oil generously to your entire hair, so that brittle locks jump again.

Avocado mask

Natural hair mask against dry hair

The expensive products from the cosmetics department are not always the best. A grocery conditioner is often just as good!

One variant is the classic egg yolk and honey cure. To do this, break two eggs, separate the yolks and mix them with a little oil and honey to form a creamy mixture. You leave this on your hair for at least 30 minutes.

A more tropical variant is the avocado mask. To do this, half or whole avocado (depending on hair length) is pureed to a pulp with a hand blender or mixer and also applied to the hair for at least half an hour. The oils in avocado nourish your hair.

Apple Cider Vinegar

Sour makes fun

With dry hair, the outer cuticle layer of the hair is often set up and the hair appears dull and dull as a result. Acid causes this cuticle to lay flat again and the hair can thus reflect the light better again and get a new shine.

A mild fruit vinegar, such as apple cider vinegar, is best for this. Mix it in equal parts with water and simply use it as an additional rinse after washing your hair, this ensures shine.

Just put a bottle with the finished vinegar-water mixture in the shower, then it will be easier for you to think about it after washing your hair!

As you can see, there are only a few simple tips and tricks that will help you to turn your strawy, dry and unruly hair into a beautiful, attractive, shiny and manageable head of hair! Expensive is not always better!

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