First Aid Against Bags Under The Eyes – How Do I Get Rid Of Them?

Potatoes and cucumber have anti-inflammatory effects, cold water dilates the blood vessels and helps with the treatment.

First aid against bags under the eyes - how do I get rid of them?

Bags under the eyes are a clear sign of tiredness, stress and exhaustion. We also look a lot older with bags under the eyes. Many try to hide this with a good dose of makeup. Applying makeup is not the only solution, there are very helpful natural methods to improve puffy eyes and appearance. Here we give you tips on first aid against bags under the eyes.

Your face will shine again and you will look a few years younger. So what are you waiting for Read on to learn more about first aid against bags under the eyes .


Help against bags under the eyes: sweet potatoes

Potatoes are very often used as a natural home remedy for clearing bags under the eyes. To do this, cut a raw potato into slices and put it in the fridge for an hour. Then place the potato slices on the closed eyes. Most of all, the potatoes should cover the sacs around the eyes. Leave on the eyes for 15 minutes. This method is an excellent help against bags under the eyes.


Cucumbers are also a very well-known remedy for clearing bags under the eyes.

The treatment with cucumber slices is carried out like that of the potato. Let the cucumber slices cool in the refrigerator, place them on the eyes and leave for 25 minutes. During this time, you can relax, listen to some music, or take a little nap, which will make the treatment even more effective.

Cucumbers are particularly effective for removing bags under the eyes because of their anti-inflammatory properties.

Cold spoons

First aid against bags under the eyes: cold spoons

You will need a glass of ice water and four tablespoons for this treatment. Let the spoons cool in the ice water for a few minutes. Take the two cooled spoons out of the glass and place them on your eyes. When they have warmed up, swap the spoons with the other two spoons that are still in the cold water. Repeat this procedure for about 20 minutes.

In this way, the swelling goes down very quickly as the cold water dilates the blood vessels.

Green tea

Prepare tea with two tea bags of green tea. As soon as the green tea bags have cooled down, i.e. have reached approximately room temperature, place them on the eyes. Then leave it on for 15 minutes. The health-promoting effect of green tea removes bags under the eyes quickly and effectively.

Vitamin E.

Vitamin E oil is used for this method. Dissolve a few drops of vitamin E oil in a glass of cold water and mix well. Dip two cotton balls in the mixture and place a pad on each eye. Leave on for about 20 minutes. Vitamin E not only has an anti-inflammatory effect, it also supplies the skin with nutrients and makes it particularly soft.

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