Food For Heartburn

Not all foods are equally well tolerated by everyone, so you have to find out for yourself which ones you can tolerate best and which ones help you against heartburn.

Heartburn foods

Heartburn is very uncomfortable. This rising, burning sensation often arises after a large meal and is also one of the most common complaints of the 21st century. There are  foods for heartburn.

One could talk about a “modern” disease, not because it didn’t exist in the past, but because more and more people are suffering from it nowadays.

In today’s post  you will find out which foods  could help against heartburn

What is heartburn and what causes it?


The medical term pyrosis is used very rarely, but the burning sensation that rises from the esophageal or stomach region via the esophagus is very familiar to many.

The most common causes of heartburn are:

  • Stress, worries and a hectic pace
  • Diet high in saturated fat
  • Diet high in processed carbohydrates
  • Eating too quickly and not chewing enough
  • Skipping meals (this affects digestive function)
  • excessive consumption of alcohol
  • Smoke
  • Sedentary lifestyle
  • Too little recovery
  • the bacterium Helicobacter pylori

As you can see, many of the causes of heartburn are  due to an unhealthy lifestyle. 

If you change various daily habits, you can prevent this condition and also prevent more serious consequences, such as stomach ulcers or gastritis.

Heartburn foods

The burning sensation that often rises up to the throat can be very uncomfortable and affect everyday life.

Different foods can help relieve heartburn:


This grain is mainly consumed for breakfast. It has a strong satiating effect and also calms the burning sensation in the stomach.

It can be eaten at any time of the day. We recommend that you have a few raisins with it. The oatmeal will then absorb the fruit acid, don’t worry.



Ginger should always be consumed in moderation because the taste is very intense. This root can be very helpful for heartburn because it also has an anti-inflammatory effect  on the gastrointestinal area.

Simply grate some ginger and prepare it as a tea. You can also use the grated ginger for various dishes and mixed drinks. It gives the dishes a very special, somewhat spicy taste.

Aloe vera

Aloe Vera is one of the best natural remedies because this plant  has a wound healing effect.  Aloe Vera is therefore recommended if the stomach walls are attacked by the acid.

Some patients eat the gel of this plant directly or drink the juice, others opt for nutritional supplements from the pharmacy.

Green salads


Leafy green vegetables like arugula, as well as lettuce,  have the ability to relieve burning sensations. 

We advise you not to add onions, tomatoes, cheese or marinade to the salad. It’s best to just use a little salt and olive oil.

Celery can be combined excellently with lettuce. It is characterized by a high water content and also contains valuable fiber, which also has a filling effect.


The banana is an excellent choice for in between meals. It has a pH of 5.6 and  can therefore soothe heartburn.  However, this is different for everyone, and some people also report that bananas make the situation worse.

Try out for yourself how the banana affects you, you will then find out very quickly.


Melons as well as watermelons can relieve the uncomfortable burning sensation in the stomach. They contain a lot of water and  then balance the acid-base balance in the stomach. 

You can eat a piece of watermelon after lunch and after dinner and alternate with bananas if you can digest them well.



This healing and nutrient-rich vegetable improves stomach function. The gentle taste and the crunchy texture taste great in salads, soups, cakes or sauces.

Cut the fennel bulb into fine slices and prepare a salad with rocket and spinach. You can refine it with olive oil.

Chicken or turkey

White meat is also an excellent option for heartburn .  However, you should use this in the oven, on the grill, or cooked, and avoid skin-deep fried meat (which is very fatty).

fish and seafood

Again, you should avoid the fried form of preparation. It’s best to cook crab or salmon (which shouldn’t be from farms).

Cooked vegetables


In addition to raw vegetables in salads, you can also cook different types of vegetables: a few tasty examples are cabbage, asparagus or broccoli.

We also recommend that you  eat root vegetables (carrots, beetroot …), but they should be boiled or steamed. 


Couscous, bulgur or semolina also belong to this group. Whole grain or yamani rice is recommended, both of which are excellent for treating heartburn.

Don’t forget to only eat small portions and combine them with cooked vegetables.

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