Foods That Accelerate The Aging Process

The inner aging deserves much more attention than the outer one. Whole grains contain carbohydrates, which boost glucose levels more than refined sugar.

Foods that accelerate the aging process

Various foods do not provide nutrients and only harm the body, even if they are often marketed as healthy. In this post you will learn more about foods that accelerate the aging  process and are harmful to general health.

Different nutrients are absorbed and processed by the body in different ways, but some foods only contain harmful substances that cause the body to age faster.

Those who pay attention to a healthy, balanced diet not only feel better but also look better. Factors that accelerate the aging process are for example: oxidation, inflammation and glycolization.

Aging is not only about external aspects such as wrinkling or gray hair, but especially about the aging of the organs, muscles and joints.

Foods that accelerate the aging process

Below we list various foods that accelerate the aging process.  The less you eat of it, the better.

Wheat (refined and whole grain)

Wheat is unhealthy because the carbohydrates it contains are converted into sugar. Consuming bread, pasta, pastries and other products containing wheat  increases blood sugar levels even more than sugar! Incidentally, this is also the case with whole grain wheat. By the way, many products made with refined flour also contain cancer-causing chemicals. French fries and fast food also very often contain wheat! 

Food that accelerates the aging process: wheat

Food with corn

These include, for example, cereals, syrup or oil. Corn behaves in a similar way to wheat: it raises blood sugar levels. Corn is mostly genetically modified and, by the way, is hidden in numerous foods: in soft drinks, processed foods, spices, tomato sauces, ready-made products, etc.

Refined sugar

Sugar  is bad, everyone knows that by now. It can trigger diseases such as diabetes, but it can also cause the organism to age more quickly. We therefore recommend switching to healthier sweeteners such as stevia. You should rather sweeten with stevia and prepare sweets and desserts yourself.

Vegetable fats

Rapeseed oil and soybean oil are sold as healthy, but they are not. Usually the raw materials are already of poor quality and genetically modified. In addition, very low and high temperatures are used during processing and chemical solvents such as hexane are used.

The oil contains polyunsaturated fatty acids, but processing them becomes unstable and can therefore promote free radicals and inflammation.  Therefore, it is recommended to use healthier oils such as virgin  olive oil, virgin coconut oil or avocado oil. Soybean oil, corn oil and rapeseed oil should be avoided, exceptions are cold-pressed, organic quality products.

Food that accelerates the aging process: vegetable fats


Salt is necessary for our body, but in moderation. However, too much  salt can not only accelerate the aging process, it can also trigger various diseases. Salt can also cause inflammation and water retention and damage the elastin, which ensures smooth, firm skin.


Food that accelerates the aging process: coffee

Up to two cups of coffee (200-250 mg caffeine) are helpful for preventing various ailments, but too much of a good thing is unhealthy!

Coffee can cause increased cortisol levels.  This stress hormone can accelerate the aging process and damage both the skin and teeth. Coffee draws water out of the body and can also be responsible for insomnia.


Sausage contains a lot of fat and salt. For example, these generate compounds that accelerate the oxidation of the cells and damage the tissue. You can treat yourself to a little sausage every now and then, but it should definitely not be consumed every day.


Milk and milk products are repeatedly praised or demonized. Some insist on the importance of calcium in milk, others insist that it only causes problems.

There are herbal products that contain far more calcium than milk, which can also be used more easily. Milk can lead to various problems and also accelerate the cell aging process. We recommend switching to plant-based milk.

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