Foot Massage Before Going To Bed

Reflexology assumes that the feet reflect the whole body. Orgen complaints can be treated by applying pressure to the soles of the feet.

Foot massage before bed

The feet are often neglected, but they carry the whole body weight and are heavily stressed in everyday life. They carry us from one place to another, up and down, and are active most of the day. How about a  foot massage ?

However, since the feet are in shoes almost all the time, we usually don’t even think about the fact that they might need a little care. Only when pain occurs, corns or calluses form,  do we become aware of the importance of our feet with every step.

A little foot massage  before going to bed brings relief  and relaxes the feet. In addition, this habit has other health benefits.

You will then find various reasons why you too should make the daily foot massage a ritual in order to benefit from all the advantages. 

The foot massage strengthens the immune system



A foot massage stimulates the reflex zones, relaxes and is very pleasant. This technique helps relieve stress, which is known to lead to various physical and emotional problems.

Regular foot massage can boost the immune system and prevent stress-related health problems.

Energized and rejuvenated

Foot massages have a relaxing and energizing effect at the same time.  The massage of the reflex points releases blockages and the energy is passed on to the whole body.

Improves blood circulation

Blood circulation

A good circulation brings oxygen and nutrients optimally into the cells. This also promotes blood purification and discharges harmful substances from the body.

Stress has a negative effect on blood circulation, which is why a foot massage is recommended twice to relieve pressure and tension.

Balance and harmony

It can be hard to balance your mind and body,  especially after a hectic day at work when you come home exhausted.

A foot massage can help to bring body and mind into balance,  because it stimulates homeostasis, a process in which all body systems work harmoniously with one another.

Healthy skin

Healthy skin

As already mentioned, the foot massage stimulates the blood circulation. In addition, you can regulate the excessive sebum and sweat production and thus prevent oily skin.

The massage also works against  free radicals, which promote skin aging. You can use it to keep your skin beautiful and firm.

Prevents cramps

The massage relaxes the feet and also strengthens the tissue, while at the same time reducing lactic acid in the body, which is often responsible for muscle pain and cramps.

Rest and relaxation


With a pleasant foot massage you can relieve nervousness and then relax in the best way possible.  There is a point on the soles of the feet that is connected to the solar plexus.

With pressure on this acupressure point you can then reduce stress,  release energy blockages and positively activate the entire body. So get rid of negative energies.

Relieves discomfort

In traditional Chinese medicine, pressure points have long been known, which have various health benefits. 

This can prevent diseases and promote general health. It is best to have a 15-minute massage every day.

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