Grilled Meat And Breast Cancer – Increased Risk?

A study shows that women with breast cancer who eat certain types of meat have more symptoms than women who rarely include them in their diet.

Grilled meat and breast cancer - increased risk?

One should be careful with grilled and smoked red meat products, as this could increase the risk of death from breast cancer !

This came from a study in which women who ate less grilled and smoked meat had a lower death rate after breast cancer treatment.

Smoked red meat appears to be particularly harmful  . Consumption of smoked pork or lamb is said to increase the risk of death in general by 17%.

However, this increases breast cancer mortality by up to 23%!

Grilled or smoked meat contains carcinogenic substances that result from the preparation process. As a result, women can be exposed to carcinogenic substances that are very similar to those from tobacco or air pollution. 

The result is a higher risk of developing cancer or dying after treatment.

Meat cooked at very high temperatures has long been associated with a higher risk of breast cancer.

This new study shows  that the chance of survival after breast cancer treatment is significantly lower. 

Breast Cancer Triggers Study

Woman with symbol against breast cancer

Previous studies indicate that grilled meat or smoked meat products can increase the risk of breast cancer.

In a recent study, however, 1508 women diagnosed with breast cancer were asked about various eating habits. 

Specifically, it was about eating habits in 1996 and 1997. Five years later, the same questionnaire was answered again by the patients.

Around half of the women were followed for at least 17.6 years, with 597 of the patients dying, 237 of them directly from breast cancer-related reasons.

The latest study compared data  from women who ate very little grilled or smoked meat  with women who consumed a lot before and after diagnosis.

The latter had a  31% increased risk of death over the duration of the study. 

Chicken and fish: less risk!

Fish and Meat Products - Link to Breast Cancer

It is interesting to know that women who preferred free-range chickens or fish before or after their breast cancer diagnosis had a lower death rate.

Around 45% less risk was found in comparison with the women who ate grilled and smoked red meat!

What is the reason for this big difference? Chicken, turkey, and fish are lower in saturated fat  than red meat.

Another reason that can explain this difference is that chicken and fish have a protective factor.

For example, poultry contains less aggressive proteins than other meats.

Statistics on breast cancer

Fortunately, there are more and more ways to detect breast cancer early and treat it effectively, so the chances of survival are increasing.

With around  70,000 new cases annually in Germany alone, however, it is by far the most common cancer among women. 

Almost 30 percent of the patients are younger than 55 years of age at the time of diagnosis, although the new diseases and death rates in the new federal states are still significantly lower than in the old ones.

Care and control after breast cancer treatment

Woman doing self-exam to control breast cancer

Depending on the type of breast cancer, various measures and check-ups are of the greatest importance after treatment 

  • A check-up is usually scheduled every three to four months, at least for the first two to three years after treatment. After that, one to two annual check-ups are sufficient in many cases.

    It is very important that the doctor put together individual preventive and care measures. The  patient should address all questions and doubts with the doctor and follow his recommendations. 

    Various therapies and training courses can be carried out. Sports and exercise therapies, nutritional advice, psychological help, relaxation training or artistic therapies can be very helpful in aftercare.

    It is best to seek advice on the various options from the doctor who performed the diagnosis and treatment.

    In addition, support groups can be of great use.

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