Habits That Damage Your Airways

You yourself can damage your airways more than you think through your behavior. Take care of your airways to stay healthy for a long time!

Habits that harm your airways

Some habits can harm your airways without you even knowing. But healthy airways are essential and it doesn’t hurt to inform yourself about what you could do with your airways in everyday life without really knowing it!

How we harm our airways

It is generally assumed that exhaust gases damage our airways and that a day in the country provides healthy air.

But we ourselves can damage our respiratory tract in our everyday life, regardless of exhaust gases – and often more than car exhaust fumes !

So it is up to you to stop habits that damage your airways and to adopt healthy habits so that your lungs and bronchi, your entire breathing system remain healthy and can supply you with oxygen for a long life.

So be aware of the following things that harm your airways and how you can protect them:

Things that harm your airways

Ventilate the office often

It is not difficult to reduce the pollution of fine dust in our everyday life. It’s logical that car traffic creates fine dust, but also in our own four walls – or at work – there are many sources that cause fine dust, damage our airways and that you can turn off or change yourself!

Computer printers produce a lot of fine dust that puts a strain on our lungs. So don’t set up the printer right next to your workplace, but preferably in a separate room.

If the printer is in your study (or in another room that you spend a lot of time in), make sure that you ventilate well to remove the fine dust created (and created) by the printer from the air you breathe!

Incense sticks can damage the airways

Incense sticks can damage the airways

The name “incense sticks” already explains the reason why they are not healthy and damage your respiratory tract: smoke! Smoke creates fine dust and the smoke from incense sticks contains so many pollutants that you would never inhale voluntarily if you knew.

In particular, incense sticks, incense cones and incense additives from abroad, for example India, contain substances that are anything but healthy and that you bring into your own four walls by burning incense sticks.

Candles match the vintage style

Candles can damage the airways

Candles are romantic, but they too burn substances and thereby spread air pollutants, including fine dust, into the air you breathe.

To decorate a room for Christmas with as many candles or a Christmas tree full of genuine candles is the valid European law with regard to particulate matter values, etc. a potentially deadly health hazard.

Smoking can damage your airways

Quit smoking

Anyone who smokes harms himself, his health, his respiratory tract and his fellow human beings. Not smoking in the first place is a particularly effective way of keeping your airways as healthy as possible.

Smoking can not only damage the airways, but also trigger other ailments and diseases.


Plant houseplants

Green plants clean the air and absorb pollutants that are gradually released into the room air by carpeting, wall paint or furniture.

They absorb carbon dioxide or carbon monoxide from the air, reduce dust pollution and produce new oxygen. The following houseplants do best: dragon tree, green lily, single leaf, ivy, ivy and chrysanthemum.

A good idea not only at home, but also in the office, your lungs will thank you for it!

Avoid air pollutants in the home

Plastic products such as vinyl wallpaper, PVC floors or even synthetic fiber carpets can outgas, for example, and thus pollute the room air. Therefore, avoid carpets and floor coverings with strong odors in the entire apartment, but especially in the bedroom.

When choosing materials for interior decoration and furniture, give preference to low-pollutant materials such as untreated wood or other natural materials.

Avoid dust

The “healthy country air” is not always as healthy as you think: if a dry field is plowed or the farmer drives over it with the harrow, a lot of dust is created.

Ammonia from animal manure also leads to higher levels of particulate matter in the air than car traffic in city centers. So when you go out into the country, pay attention to where you are going.

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