Happy People Don’t Talk About Others

Instead of listening to or criticizing others, we should use our time to improve ourselves and those around us

Happy people don't talk about others

Happy people don’t talk about others. Because people who only gossip and criticize can be very tiring.  Negative thoughts are contagious and cause discomfort.

The words and attitudes of a person who is constantly criticizing weaken us and take our strength away. There are two ways to counter this: you can either distance yourself or try to help the person. Anyone who wastes all his strength and strength on criticism is basically pitiful.

In the presence of such a person, feelings and emotions can become poisoned and the balance can be swayed.

It is therefore advisable to protect yourself both physically and mentally in order to reject harmful criticism and actions, because words can only hurt if we do not care  who says them, how they are said and what they say.

Happy people don't talk about others

What other “happy people” say about you is not your problem

There are people who express their opinion for no reason, without any criteria whatsoever, even though no one has asked them about it. The only goal is to inflict pain,  humiliate happy people , and delight in them.

People who do this usually have very low self-esteem and are unable to accept themselves or others. Therefore, they criticize others in order to appear better themselves. This reflects their feelings and emotional problems.

Even if we believe we can do this, no one can decipher other people’s feelings. We are often not even able to understand ourselves, how can we then know what others are living, feeling, learning or suffering.

Therefore, we should not give importance to what others say about us, as their words only correspond to an apparent reality that they themselves have built.

Happy people

Be strong against criticism from others

If you listen too much to other people’s reviews, you endanger your well-being and your emotional balance. Therefore, it would be better to use the time to improve yourself and those around you.

It is not your job to point your finger or to be interpreted, but to recognize your mistakes and correct them in order to feel more comfortable. When we outdo ourselves, we gain honesty, respect, humility, generosity, and sincerity.

We don’t have to be perfect, however, improving day by day is vitally important in order to have a carefree life in which we do not submit and expose ourselves to emotional manipulation or addiction.

Happy people with self-esteem

Healing our wounds

In order to heal the emotional wounds of criticism, we should realize that we are unique and wonderful, we are happy people. The second step is to lose the fear of being able to feel and think for yourself.

The others are the ones who judge and criticize, not you. Criticism that is not constructive is a testament to the emotional poverty of the critic. If this person is not getting enriched, then you should think about yourself and distance yourself.

What can you do to protect yourself?

  • A direct consequence of paying heed to criticism is that we lose our identity. Losing this just to please others can have unpleasant long-term consequences.
  • Are you a good mother Do you have success Are you intelligent Are you doing your job right? Do you like the others Are we happy people? Notice how much energy you are wasting by paying attention to what others are thinking.
  • Even if we think we are in the center, what we do or feel is irrelevant to them. Because actually they think much less about us than we think.
  • No matter what you do or how you do it, someone will always criticize you for it. Live and act as you see fit. Be yourself and don’t forget that you can only find yourself if you always do what you feel.

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