Healthy Jam To Strengthen The Immune System

Of course you can buy a lot of jams in the store, but you can only be sure that homemade jams are natural and of good quality.

Healthy jam to strengthen the immune system

You can easily make this  healthy jam . It will improve your immune system and therefore protect you from disease.

The immune system consists of various organs, tissues, cells and molecules that are responsible for fighting off pathogens. It is therefore important to strengthen these defense mechanisms.

Then you will find the recipe for a  healthy jam that  can help you to strengthen your immune system. In addition, this jam with mandarins tastes delicious.

It’s high in vitamin C and very few calories. Try this recipe for yourself!

Healthy jam made from mandarins for your immune system

Healthy jam made from tangerines.

This healthy jam recipe is great. If you eat them regularly, you will be giving your body the nutrients it needs to keep your defenses up.

Our recipe for healthy jam is 100% natural, low in calories and contains a lot of vitamin C to strengthen the immune system.

In addition to vitamin C, it also contains:

  • Vitamin A, Vitamin B Complex, Vitamin E.
  • potassium
  • phosphorus
  • Calcium
  • magnesium
  • Fiber
  • amino acids

Why does this healthy jam strengthen your immune system?

Healthy jam for a good immune system.

Please note that like all jams, this jam contains sugar. Therefore, it is not suitable for people with diabetes. Nevertheless, thanks to its vitamin C content, our jam is very good for your immune system.

This allows pathogens to be repelled better. At the same time, phagocytosis is improved, which means that viruses and bacteria are better recognized. So, you can prevent illnesses like the flu, colds, and urinary tract infections.

Since the healthy jam also contains antioxidants, it’s perfect for preventing free radicals and toxins from damaging your cells and slowing down your immune responses.

This healthy jam also helps with other ailments:

  • It prevents respiratory infections.
  • Wounds heal faster.
  • It prevents urinary tract infections.
  • It also promotes the elimination of pollutants and heavy metals.
  • It stimulates collagen production and protects the cartilage tissue.
  • In addition, it increases your physical and mental performance.

    How to make the tangerine jam at home

    Healthy jam recipe.

    It is very easy to make this jam at home. You don’t need expensive ingredients either. Besides tangerines, all you need is sugar and a little lemon juice.

    Let’s begin!


    • 500 g mandarins (organic quality)
    • grated tangerine peel from 1 tangerine
    • Juice of 1/2 lemon
    • 1 1/4 cups organic sugar (250 g)


    • First you peel the tangerines. Please pick up a tangerine to rub its skin.
    • Rub off the peel of this tangerine and then peel it too.
    • Next, you remove the white skin that covers each segment of the tangerine. Also remove the seeds.
    • After you’ve finished the tangerine pieces, put them in a saucepan. Heat them together with the lemon juice and the tangerine peel over medium heat.
    • If necessary, you can add a bit of water to help the fruit disintegrate.
    • Once the desired consistency has been achieved, you can gradually add the sugar.
    • Reduce the heat and keep stirring the mixture. Use a silicone or wooden spoon for this.
    • Cooking takes about 25 to 30 minutes. Constant stirring is very important so that nothing burns on the pot.
    • Then take the pot off the stove and let it stand for 15 minutes at room temperature.
    • Then you can fill the jam into boiled and airtight jars.


    • Eat your tangerine jam in the morning for breakfast on bread or toast.
    • You can eat up to 2 tablespoons (40 g) of this per day.

      How do you like it You are sure to be happy that you made such a delicious jam at home, which also contains such wonderful ingredients.

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