Herbal Remedies For Faster Hair Growth

Would you like to accelerate your hair growth? Then try these herbal remedies that will help you with this.

Herbal remedies for faster hair growth

For those who want long, full hair, today we have some tips for faster hair growth. Because various factors can affect the growth of the hair, for example seborrheic eczema or psoriasis can lead to excessive hair loss.

Try our natural home remedies that will nourish your hair, scalp and promote hair growth.

Herbal remedies for faster hair growth

Aloe vera

Aloe vera for faster hair growth
The aloe vera gel must be used daily so that it can develop its beneficial effects on the scalp.

The real aloe or aloe vera has many very beneficial properties that you can also use for your hair. However, you should use this remedy daily in order to benefit from its effects.

This home remedy is particularly recommended for those who suffer from alopecia areata. This disease is characterized by localized hair loss, which creates noticeable bald spots with no other symptoms. But this herbal remedy is also helpful for other types of hair loss.

type of application

  • Cutting an aloe leaf length on and wear the gel, which is located inside the blade, directly to the scalp on.
  • You can store the rest of the gel in a jar in the refrigerator for the next day.
  • Massage the gel gently into the scalp and let it work for 20 minutes.
  • Repeat this procedure every day.

Rosemary for better hair growth

Rosemary for better hair growth
You can use rosemary tea as a spray or mixed with the shampoo.

Rosemary works against hair loss, which of course also promotes healthy hair growth. However, stress and tension can have a very negative effect, so  you should try to allow yourself time to relax at the same time.

Here’s how you can use rosemary tea effectively:

  • Add to the shampoo : Prepare a rosemary infusion and add it to your usual shampoo. You can use it to condition and revitalize your hair.
  • Spray on the scalp as a spray: Pour the rosemary infusion into a spray bottle and spray it on the hair before washing. Let it soak in for a few minutes before cleaning your hair as usual.
  • Hair lotion: You can apply the infusion directly to the scalp by massaging it gently into it to stimulate hair growth. You can do this after you shower or after drying your hair as usual.

Thyme for faster hair growth

Thyme for faster hair growth
Thyme has a strong anti-fungal effect and cares for the scalp.

The properties of thyme promote the healing of the scalp in the event of a disease that disrupts hair growth and leads to hair loss. This is due to its antifungal properties.

How can you use thyme? Proceed as you would with the rosemary tea. In this way you can not only prevent hair loss, but also stimulate blood circulation in the scalp. The thyme infusion strengthens the hair, which prevents it from falling out as often.

Other factors …

The herbal home remedies described are very useful for hair loss and faster hair growth. Remember, however, that it is normal to lose up to 150 hairs a day. So you should  n’t worry unnecessarily. 

Women with curly hair in particular often lose a little more hair after several days without washing their hair, but this is also normal.

We invite you to try the home remedies described to enjoy healthier hair and promote hair growth. However, if you have alopecia or scalp disease, don’t hesitate to contact a specialist. Get advice and also inquire whether the home remedies mentioned here can be helpful in this case.

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