Hidden Signs Of An Underactive Thyroid

If you know the first signs, you can treat an underactive thyroid sooner.

Hidden signs of an underactive thyroid

Some diseases show up early with certain signs that can only be correctly diagnosed if you know them. There are hidden signs of  an underactive thyroid.

It is therefore never wrong to acquire the signs and symptoms of various ailments and illnesses. Who knows if you will not see this in yourself at some point?

Signs or Symptoms?

In the end, it doesn’t matter whether you call it a sign or a symptom. The main thing is that you know them!

In this case, it is about the first, mostly still hidden, signs of an underactive thyroid that you should be aware of in order to recognize and treat the disease as early as possible.

With an underactive thyroid, too few thyroid hormones are produced in the thyroid gland and the body is insufficiently supplied with them.

This deficiency leads to a slowdown in body functions – the entire metabolism runs on the back burner.

A slight hypothyroidism is a common clinical picture, especially in older people, and due to the general symptoms it is often misinterpreted as signs of aging or in women as menopausal symptoms and often treated too late.

But even if an underactive thyroid is only mild, it can still have consequences: The slowed metabolism increases blood lipid levels and thus the risk of vascular deposits with corresponding secondary diseases, such as: B. Heart attack.

So you should know the most common signs!

Thyroid disease

Water retention

Water retention is mostly only known from people who suffer from heart problems, eat the wrong diet or have kidney disease.

If you can rule out all of this in yourself, the thyroid could be behind it. This can only be determined by your doctor, to whom you should report your observation as soon as possible!


To find out what the cause of your constipation is, a nutrition log is also useful, but a week is enough in which you meticulously note what you ate when, how much of what you drank at what time – and what your bowel movements were “Says”.

This is the only way your doctor can determine whether causes other than an underactive thyroid are behind your altered digestion. The more honestly you keep such a diary, the more accurately the doctor can make the diagnosis.

Mood swings

Are you very close to each other recently? Do you react more irritably, do you lose patience more often or even at times completely lacking motivation? You don’t even recognize yourself?

Of course, it doesn’t always have to be a thyroid problem, but it is entirely possible!


Freezing and shivering

Nobody around you freezes, but you are constantly shivering and your new favorite clothing consists of woolen socks and a cardigan – even in summer?

Your metabolism could run on the back burner due to a reduced production of thyroid hormones and your body’s own thermal power station could no longer be properly fueled.

Difficulty concentrating and memory

Where is the front door key? What did I want in the kitchen right now?

Why do I not manage to read a newspaper article to the end, why do I make more mistakes at work, why do I have to write down more recently and why does it feel as if my brain is suddenly working more slowly than before?

Of course it could just be age, but also a problem with the thyroid gland! Observe yourself closely and share your observations with your doctor!


Decreased libido

You don’t recognize yourself when it comes to having fun in bed? Suddenly you don’t feel like it at all or only very rarely? It was different in the past and nothing has changed in your relationship and you love your partner like on the first day?

Then something is wrong with you and you should address this with your other possible signs at the next visit to the doctor, you do not need to be embarrassed, this is an important indicator for the doctor!

Rough skin

If your skin is flaky, itchy, and cracked, there can be many causes.

Do you have a new shower gel, cream or body lotion that your skin may not tolerate?

Try natural cosmetics, because only vegetable oils can really care for the skin over the long term.

In winter in particular, the cold air outside and the heating air inside is very dry.

If you can rule out climate changes, incorrect or new cosmetics and allergies, rough skin could also indicate a malfunction of your thyroid.

Increasing body weight

Are you gaining weight without making any changes to your diet? Your lifestyle has stayed the same, as has your diet and the pounds on the scales continue to rise?

Again, you should keep a diary. Write down exactly what time you ate and / or drank something.

Write down each calorie with time and amount over a period of two weeks and add your weight every two days. Don’t forget to write down physical activity (what? For how long?).

In this way, your doctor can quickly see whether it is due to your diet, your lifestyle is too inactive or if the weight gain is hiding an underactive thyroid.

Exhausted woman

Fatigue with hypothyroidism

If you are convinced that you are getting enough sleep and there is no other reason why you are completely tired, exhausted and listless, then it could be due to a disturbed metabolism due to a reduced function of your thyroid gland.

To find out if you sleep enough and well enough, keep a sleep diary for at least a week in which you note when you went to bed, when you got up and what the sleep quality was. This will help your doctor make a diagnosis.

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