Home Remedies For Digestion: Chamomile And Co.

You can alleviate digestive problems by leading a healthy lifestyle and using various natural remedies. Find out more about the health benefits of chamomile and other home remedies in our article!

Home remedies for digestion: chamomile and co.

Stomach pain, constipation and intestinal irritation are just a few ailments that afflict many people on a daily basis. We may think that it is just bearable, but that’s not true, because healthy eating and digestive home remedies can effectively alleviate them.

That is why we would like to suggest various home remedies for digestion in our article so that you can easily improve yours with the help of natural remedies.


During digestion, our food is broken down into molecules that are absorbed by our organism so that it functions properly and receives the necessary energy. This process is carried out by the digestive organs.

The digestive system consists of:

  • Mouth : There we chew the food and moisten it with saliva. The chemical decomposition begins, mainly that of the carbohydrates.
  • Maw : This muscle is located in the neck and connects the mouth and nasal cavity with the esophagus and trachea. Air and food pass through it thanks to a valve called the epiglottis.
  • Esophagus : It connects the throat to the stomach. Your muscle walls contract and expand downward, causing the food to enter your stomach. The esophagus is very delicate and can be damaged if stomach acid gets into it.
  • Stomach : This is a muscle bag in which the chewed food is stored and further broken down. It consists of cells that expel acids and enzymes, which among other things metabolize lipids and proteins.
  • Small intestine : It is about 6 meters long and is located at the bottom of the stomach. The secretions of the pancreas and other glands are directed there. This allows the food to be broken down into simple molecules, such as amino acids. It consists of the duodenum, jejunum and ileum, where the nutrients are also absorbed.
  • Large intestine : This is about 1.50 meters long and includes the colon and rectum. It ends in the anus, from which digestive residues are excreted in the form of feces. Vitamin K, fiber and water are absorbed in the large intestine.

If we lead an unhealthy diet or lifestyle, it can affect any part of the digestive system.

If we consume unbalanced or poor food or often take alcohol, drugs or certain medications, this can lead to various diseases. The same goes for stress.

The most common include indigestion, constipation, and diarrhea, but it can even cause chronic illness.

However, there are also various home remedies for digestion, as pharmaceuticals are not always necessary.

Natural home remedies for digestion

It is best to seek advice from a doctor if you have digestive problems and discuss the following home remedies with him, which were already used in grandmother’s time.

1. Chamomile tea

For many years, chamomile has been considered a plant that is used for digestive problems. Due to its essential oils, it is considered to be digestive, gas inducing, antispasmodic and calming. They are used to improve digestion, relieve stomach ulcers, and prevent heartburn.


First heat a cup of water, then add two grams of chamomile leaves or flowers. Then let the tea steep for 5 minutes. It’s best to drink it lukewarm after every meal.

2. Cinnamon tea as a home remedy for digestion

Cinnamon can not only relieve breathing difficulties, but also improve digestion. This spice helps against gas, nausea and diarrhea. However, nervous people or those who suffer from gastric ulcers should better avoid it, as cinnamon stimulates the secretion of gastric juices.


First boil water in a saucepan, then add a cinnamon stick or two. Then let it steep for 10 minutes and sweeten the tea with a spoonful of honey.

3. Star anise tea

Star anise has the same taste as anise, but it is obtained from the fruit casing of the Illicium verum .

This plant is a tree that actually comes from China and is beneficial for the digestive system. The spice contains anethole, an aromatic ingredient that appears to be very useful for nausea and stomach upsets.

It also works against swelling and flatulence. Star anise is also calming and has an antibacterial, antibiotic and anti-parasite effect.


Bring a liter of water to a boil, then add 30 grams of star anise. Then let it cool down and have a cup if you think it’s necessary. However, pregnant women and small children should not consume this drink!

4. Melissa tea as a home remedy for digestion

Melissa officinalis,  better known as balm or lemon balm, is a plant that has always been consumed for digestion. It contains various active ingredients that give it its typical citrus aroma and its calming effect.

They are used to relieve stress and anxiety, but also against stomach cramps, colon inflammation, hyperacidity and flatulence.


You need three spoons of dry lemon balm to make a cup of tea. If you use fresh leaves, it should be between 3 and 9 grams. Heat a cup of water and add the lemon balm when it boils. Then let the tea steep for about 10 minutes. You can drink it anytime.

Remember that good digestion means good daily routine. Therefore, change your eating habits and your lifestyle so that your digestive system works better and you improve your quality of life.

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