Home Remedies For Fluid Retention

During pregnancy, fluid retention is very common due to hormone fluctuations.

Home remedies for fluid retention

The fluid retention is one of the Hautpgründe for weight gain. Possible causes are long periods of sitting, pregnancy, menopause, cirrhosis, heart failure, malnutrition, etc. Various parts of the body swell, usually the ankles, arms, legs, stomach or wrists.

Fluid retention is very common during pregnancy due to hormone fluctuations. These are particularly noticeable on the ankles and feet. While one shouldn’t worry too much, it is still advisable to see  a doctor.

Advice against fluid retention

Dehydrating foods

Dehydrating foods help cleanse the body of pollutants and also help you lose weight. Because the excess kilos are often due to water retention.

  • Watermelons. These are particularly recommended due to the high water content.
  • Apple Cider Vinegar. Regulates potassium levels, which are often altered by fluid retention.
  • Green tea. Has a strong dehydrating and antioxidant effect.
  • Orange. Thanks to the vitamin C it contains, this fruit improves kidney functions and also accelerates the elimination of harmful substances.
  • Artichoke. This vegetable is excellent as an infusion to help you lose weight and combat water retention.
  • Blueberries. These delicious berries help with urinary tract diseases, promote the elimination of harmful substances and also have a strong antioxidant effect.
  • Dandelion. One of the best draining plants.
  • Parsley. Parsley also helps with the elimination of liquids and is therefore particularly recommended as a tea for people who are overweight and have heart diseases.
  • Onion. This vegetable is especially helpful for rheumatism, kidney failure and gout.

to do sports


Regular exercise such as walking, running, cycling, swimming and others is crucial. Choose a sport that you enjoy. Remember that fluid retention is often the result of a sedentary lifestyle. Exercise relaxes the mind and improves all body functions.

Avoid salty foods

Reducing your salt consumption is very advisable to  avoid fluid retention. For example, sausage products, canned food, alcohol and other salty foods should be avoided.

When it comes to seasoning with salt, it is also important to be extremely economical. For example, salt can cause  kidney stones or stomach cancer, or it can reduce the perception of taste.

Foods containing potassium

potassium health

Potassium helps regulate blood pressure and remove excess fluids. This active ingredient can be found in  kiwis, melons, oranges and bananas.

Various vegetables such as artichokes, cabbage, beetroot, potatoes and avocados also contain potassium.

Foods containing magnesium

Magnesium also helps with the elimination of fluids. This mineral can also prevent heart problems, help regulate insulin levels and is also of great importance for bone health.

Magnesium also helps with migraines and reduces the risk of developing type 2 diabetes.

Recommended foods:

  • Bran. Wheat and oat bran are rich in magnesium.
  • Dried herbs. Especially coriander, peppermint and parsley. Simply use it to season the various dishes.
  • Linseed. These have a strong antioxidant effect, protect against heart disease and also provide magnesium.
  • Sunflower seeds. Contains a lot of magnesium and vitamin E.
  • Milk. Whether in powder form, pasteurized, fresh or condensed … Milk contains magnesium and vitamins (A, D and E).

Do not forget…

If the legs swell, it is best to elevate them. If the changed eating and living habits do not bring any improvement, you should definitely consult a doctor.

We hope that these tips have been helpful and that you include the recommended foods in your daily nutrition plan.

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