Home Remedies For Perfect Foot Care

The feet often suffer from long walks, inappropriate footwear, sport or lack of care. In the long term, this can have unpleasant consequences. So find out how easy perfect foot care can be and pamper your feet every now and then! You don’t need a lot of time for that.

Home remedies for perfect foot care

Hair, face and hands usually receive special care, because after all it is an important business card. Often we forget our feet in the care routine. But don’t forget that they carry us day in and day out and are often heavily burdened. That’s why they  deserve perfect foot care  !

The feet often suffer from long walks, inappropriate footwear, exercise or lack of care. In the long term, this can have unpleasant consequences. In addition, unkempt feet don’t look very nice, especially in summer.

So find out how easy perfect foot care  can be and pamper your feet every  now and then! You don’t need a lot of time for that.

Why are our feet so important?

Sometimes our feet are called the most important part of the body. And there are reasons for this too. They give us support and carry us from one place to the next. Our  feet are very resilient and also essential for a wide variety of activities.

But they often suffer and become overused. Cracks, calluses or blisters are almost part of everyday life. It is not enough to paint your toenails, your feet deserve a little more care! Give them some time on a regular basis. Because in this way you can also prevent unpleasant complaints.

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The perfect foot care

perfect foot care

You will then find various tips that will make  perfect foot care  very easy. Treat your feet once a week to keep them looking nice and well-groomed.

  • Soak your feet in warm water with sea salt for half an hour. You can do this in the evening in front of the TV, or you can take care of your fingernails at the same time. The foot bath has a relaxing effect and is perfect after a hard day’s work.
  • You can also take an alternating bath from time to time. Because if you alternate with warm and cold water, you can stimulate your blood circulation. Add a few drops of lemon juice to the water to avoid foot odor.
  • Use a pumice stone to rub down any hardened areas. It is porous volcanic rock with a low density that is ideal for perfect foot care.
  • Massage your feet with a moisturizer or oil every night before going to sleep. With this you care for the skin and at the same time this technique has a relaxing effect. 

perfect foot care
  • At home, it’s best to go barefoot as often as possible. Stretching exercises for the feet are also excellent. In addition, you can alternate between tiptoe and heel walking. Because this is how you can strengthen the foot muscles. Ball gymnastics is also very beneficial! Use a tennis ball to massage the soles of your feet and activate blood circulation.
  • After a shower or bath, dry your feet thoroughly. Because this way you can prevent fungi from developing,  which feel particularly comfortable in a humid and warm environment. If you like to sweat your feet, you can also use foot powder.
  • Soft insoles protect the soles of the feet and are very comfortable.  Avoid tight shoes and high heels if possible. High heels should be an exception, but by no means the rule.
  • Always cut your toenails straight to prevent the nail from growing in or deforming. If you have your manicure done in a beauty salon, make sure that disinfected instruments are always used. The quality is also very important. With the right measures, you can prevent inflammation and other ailments. 
  • Let yourself be pampered with a reflexology massage. The whole body benefits from this! 

Additional treatments for perfect foot care

The following treatments are also very effective. You can pamper your feet with it.

  • Regular peeling removes dead skin and hardening. For example, use body cream in combination with sugar. This  peeling cream is gentle but very effective. 
  • The banana also has very beneficial properties for perfect foot care. Use a fork to puree two bananas until you get a thick paste. Apply this to the well-cleaned feet. After 10 minutes of action, you can wash your feet. Repeat this treatment once a week.

perfect foot care
  • Vegetable oil is very beneficial for cracked, dry feet. After the foot bath, you can massage olive or almond oil into the skin, for example. This supplies the feet with moisture. Let the oil work all night long. The best thing to do is to put on socks! You can use this treatment up to three times a week.
  • Also,  lemon juice and Vaseline are perfect to treat dry and cracked feet. Apply this combination to your feet after showering or footbathing.
  • Another option: Mix a good handful of sea salt with three tablespoons of avocado oil and two drops of mint oil. Then use it to massage your feet. This peeling works excellently against hardened skin areas and also against foot odor.

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