Homemade Cold Ointment

When you make your own Wick VapoRub, you know that it contains only quality substances and that it does not contain any preservatives or other harmful substances. You can also use different scents for this.

Homemade cold ointment

Wick VapoRub is very popular around the world for treating symptoms of colds as well as flu. With a simple massage on the chest, one can relieve coughs and clear the airways. In this article, you will learn how to make your own natural cold ointment  .

Read on to learn more.

Properties of the cold ointment Wick VapoRub

The effective components of this cold ointment are: menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil. The ointment acts on the receptors in the nasal mucous membrane, the respiratory muscles and the mucous membrane surface of the bronchial tubes and thus clears the airways.

Wick VapoRub is excellent for treating dry coughs and then quickly relieving symptoms of a cold or flu. The ointment is applied externally with gentle massages or then inhaled deeply – so the symptoms should disappear within five minutes.

The wick available in the pharmacy is not suitable for people with chronic lung diseases, pulmonary emphysema, asthma, whooping cough, chronic obstructive bronchitis, pregnant women and children under 6 years of age.

Other uses of Wick Vaporub

This ointment is not only effective against the flu, runny nose and colds, it can do a lot more:

For the feet

When you come home after a hectic day at work, you can rub your feet with wick and put them up (e.g. with a pillow). It is also recommended before going to bed. Just put on socks so the ointment can work all night long.


Against headaches

This ointment with menthol and eucalyptus is often very effective for migraines. Simply apply a little on the temples and forehead and massage gently. In a few minutes, the headache can then be relieved.

Against pimples and blemishes

This is not “scientifically proven”, but many people use this ointment for pimple-free facial skin. Simply apply a small amount to the affected areas before bed and then let it work all night.

Against muscle aches

After sporting activities, you can use Wick VapoRub for muscle pain: Simply apply with a massage – this will also improve blood circulation.

Against skin irritations

This ointment is also often used for skin redness, for the treatment of rosacea and red spots. It is used like a mask in the evening or in the morning as protection from the sun and wind.


Recipes for a homemade cold ointment

These recipes are very simple, the ingredients can be bought in health food stores or pharmacies. It is a natural alternative to Wick VapoRub with the same effects.

Recipe 1: homemade cold ointment

You need the following ingredients:

  • 100 ml coconut oil (you can also use olive or almond oil)
  • 20 drops of eucalyptys essential oil
  • 10 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 20 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 200 g cocoa butter

Slowly heat the cocoa butter in a water bath. As soon as it is liquid, take it off the stove and add the coconut oil (or another oil of your choice), always stirring well.

Then stir in the various essential oils. Once a homogeneous mixture is obtained, this ointment can be stored in a dark glass container with a lid.

Keep in a dark place until the ointment sets. This ointment is stable for up to a year and can be used whenever necessary.

Recipe 2: homemade cold ointment

There are more ingredients in this recipe, but all of them are very easy to find.

  • 120 ml of olive oil
  • 240 ml coconut oil
  • 170 ml beeswax (grated)
  • 35 drops of eucalyptus essential oil
  • 30 drops of peppermint essential oil
  • 15 drops of rosemary essential oil
  • 15 drops of lavender essential oil
  • 10 drops of camphor essential oil

Heat all ingredients in a water bath and stir well until a homogeneous mixture is formed and the beeswax melts as well. Then pour it into a glass container and let it set. This ointment is not suitable for infants under two years of age.

Recipe 3: homemade cold ointment


In contrast to the previous recipes, this ointment is also suitable for babies. Home remedies are an excellent way to relieve colds in children because they do not contain harmful chemicals.  You need the following ingredients:

  • 1/4 cup (60 ml) coconut oil
  • 12 drops of eucalyptus essential oil

Heat the coconut oil in a water bath and mix well with the eucalyptus oil. After an hour this ointment is already solid and can be used.

If you can’t get eucalyptus oil, you can also use lavender or chamomile oil (for babies under 2 months old) and tea tree oil (for babies over 6 months old) as alternatives.

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