How Anti-wrinkle Creams Work

Find out in this article how anti-wrinkle creams work and why your skin type plays a role in making the right choice.

How anti wrinkle creams work

Not just anti-wrinkle creams, but skin care in general is a topic that interests many people. The damage to the skin and the appearance of wrinkles is a cosmetic problem that is becoming more and more important these days.

Because of this, anti wrinkle creams are becoming increasingly popular. They help slow down skin aging and keep the skin healthy. The goal of anti wrinkle creams is to delay the skin aging process.

However, it makes sense to start caring for the skin as soon as possible and not wait for wrinkles to appear. That way, your skin will stay healthy, smooth and young.

How do anti wrinkle creams work?

How do anti wrinkle creams work?  A woman has put a cream on her face.

The main functions of anti wrinkle creams are:

  • Moisturize the skin and encourage cell renewal to slow down premature aging. This improves the appearance of the skin.
  • Repair of the skin. The anti-wrinkle creams revitalize the skin, reduce the appearance of wrinkles and increase the skin’s elasticity. This can be achieved with collagen, which tones the skin and makes it smooth and supple.
  • Collagen acts against wrinkles and skin atrophy at the same time.
  • Anti-wrinkle creams also have an exfoliating effect to help remove  dead skin cells. They also make the skin glow and improve the complexion.

The main ingredients of anti wrinkle creams

Different points indicate different points on a woman's face and neck.

The protection of the skin, sufficient moisture and the exfoliating effect are essential to keep the skin supple and to enable a healthy appearance. To choose the right anti wrinkle cream, you should know its ingredients.

Exposure to external influences, such as exposure to the sun and low temperatures, as well as harmful habits such as smoking or alcohol consumption, can lead to a changed skin structure and accelerate skin aging.

Almost all anti wrinkle creams contain collagen and elastin to help firm the  skin and keep it elastic. 

Other ingredients that are commonly used in anti wrinkle creams include:

  • Antioxidants that slow down cell aging
  • Different vitamins
  • Retinol
  • Hyaluronic acid
  • Light stabilizers
  • Hydroxy acids (exfoliating agents)
  • There are also anti-wrinkle creams that contain stem cells that promote cell renewal.

The choice of anti wrinkle cream depends on your skin type

A woman dabs her finger in a cream.

An important factor when choosing an anti wrinkle cream is the individual skin type.

  • If you have dry skin, choose rich creams that will keep you hydrated.
  • On the other hand, if you have oily skin, choose a gel-like cream.

    Apply the care product every day to get all of the benefits. In addition, healthy lifestyle habits are of course essential for beautiful skin. Don’t forget about a healthy diet! You will also need a little patience before you can see the positive results of skincare. 

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