How Can I Lighten The Skin Of The Armpits?

Be careful with lemon. The sun could make the situation worse, so be careful. You should also avoid lemon after depilation.

How can I lighten the skin of the armpits?

The armpit skin  is very sensitive. Many women try to hide them because the skin is darkened, be it from the use of deodorants, depilation, sweat, etc.

In today’s topic, we’re going to go over all of the possible causes and offer various natural remedies to lighten armpit skin again.

Excessive sweat production

If excessive sweat production is the cause of the darkening of the skin of the armpits, it is because our organism gets rid of toxins in this way.

For this reason, it is better to avoid products that inhibit perspiration.

The following measures can be tried in order to naturally inhibit excessive sweat production:

  • Consume astringent foods (e.g. green tea or avocado tea).
  • Sage can be taken as a tea or applied to the skin.
  • Treat the skin of the armpits with a solution of red clay and water. A compress or a towel can be used for this.
  • Use bear moss spores (Lycopodium spores) or vegetable sulfur. These spores absorb sweat and stop the spread of bacteria that cause the bad odor. They prevent possible skin irritation and itching. It is best to apply it to the affected areas in the morning and in the evening, protecting open wounds.
  • Our state of mind can cause a higher sweat production.
    Lighten armpits with sage

    Accumulation of dead skin cells

    The skin is constantly regenerating. However, it can also happen that these skin cells are difficult to remove and that they accumulate on the surface of the skin.

    That is why you should do a gentle peeling with sodium hydrogen carbonate  (baking soda) every week or every other week .

    It is important to do this before depilation to avoid skin irritation. Then wash the area with plenty of water and apply a moisturizer.

    Products containing alcohol or fragrances

    We advise you not to use aggressive products on the armpits, as this is the area where the skin is very fine and possibly sensitive. This is especially true for hair removal.

    It is best to use natural and ecological products, such as B. alum stone etc.


    The skin of the armpits can also darken from hair removal. It is recommended that you seek an alternative to shaving. The most suitable hair removal is with wax.

    Then don’t forget to apply a cream or lotion to soothe the irritated skin. Aloe gel or marigold cream are especially advisable.

    Lighten armpits with marigold


    This part of the body can become inflamed, among other things due to inadequate hygiene. A lot of moisture often accumulates here, so special attention must be paid to cleanliness and dryness .

    A deodorant that contains tea tree oil is recommended, as this has an anti-inflammatory and fungicidal effect. However, a mixture of tea tree oil and a moisturizer can also be applied directly.

    Friction with the laundry

    Lingerie that is too tight can irritate the armpit skin and darken it. Therefore, synthetic materials should be avoided, which often cause allergies or increased sweat production.

    Sleeves or straps that are too tight are also not advisable.

    Natural methods of lightening the skin of the armpits

    The following products can be found in almost every household. They can help lighten armpit skin naturally and without risk.


    Lemon removes dead skin cells and also helps to lighten the area of ​​skin that has darkened over time. It also works as a natural deodorant, so lemon can be used daily without hesitation.

    How do you use the lemon? Simply cut a lemon in half first and rub it into your armpits. Then let the lemon dry for a few minutes and then wash it off.

    However, it is better to avoid lemon soon after hair removal as it can sting.

    Potato juice

    Potato juice also has lightening properties. You will need a juicer for this method. Simply apply the potato juice with a little cotton wool.

    Hydrogen peroxide

    Hydrogen peroxide is known as a hair lightening agent. However, it can also be used on the skin. Simply apply a little hydrogen peroxide to the armpits every day. Soon the results will be visible.

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