How Much Water Does The Body Need Every Day And When?

Drink at least 2 liters of water daily outside of meals so that it does not affect the gastric juices.

How much water does the body need every day and when?

How many times have you heard how important it is to health? Do you also know how much water you should drink?

It is extremely important to know, as the way you use water can be both beneficial and detrimental to our health. To clear up any doubts, let’s take a closer look at how much  water you should drink.

On an empty stomach

Drinking a glass or two in the morning will help clear the remaining toxins in the digestive tract and activate your metabolism. It is enough to drink it about 20 minutes before breakfast and it is much healthier than the day for example. B. to start with a cup of coffee.

If it is still warm or lukewarm and you add the juice of half a lemon, the intestines will also be activated. So this is an excellent natural solution to preventing constipation.

Even if you wake up in the morning with a swollen face or eyes, it is recommended on an empty stomach, as this stimulates kidney function.


Thirst or hunger?

Did you know that hunger is often mistaken for thirst? Sometimes we misinterpret the body signals. This point is extremely important for weight control.

For this reason, we recommend the following: Every time you are hungry, you should have a glass first. If you are still hungry after a few minutes, you can eat something. You will be amazed, because often the hunger will simply disappear.

30 minutes before each meal

If you drink a glass 30 minutes before each meal, firstly, you will not be so thirsty during the meal and, secondly, the hydration will be slightly filling. So you eat less overall.

Drink less water while eating

Just as important as drinking plenty of water every day is to avoid water during meals as much as possible. It affects the gastric juice function and can worsen digestion. Children can lose their appetite.

If the meal is salty or spicy, you can of course drink a little water. But something fresh, such as a salad or cold soup, can also help in this case.

In addition, you should avoid salty meals as far as possible and drink digestive tea after eating.


A glass of water before bed

You started the day well with a glass. To end the day in a healthy way, you should drink a glass of lukewarm water again in the evening. This is how you prepare your body for sleep. As an alternative, a herbal tea wouldn’t be bad.

However, if you have to get up often to empty your bladder or suffer from incontinence, avoid large amounts of water before bed. This also applies to toddlers.

Not large quantities at once

It should be drunk enough during the day, but distributed. Do not drink everything at once, especially when it is very warm, when you are doing sports, etc.

Cold or warm water?

Even in the desert, the Bereber people drink hot tea. This stimulates sweat production and has a refreshing effect. For this reason, you should always drink lukewarm or warm water.

You should definitely keep your hands off cold water as it can affect our digestive tract. Cold water can change the temperature necessary for digestion and disrupt functions.

How Much Should You Drink?

1.5 liters? Or even 2 liters? We do not want to give any precise details on this point. Learn to listen to your body.

It is not the same in summer as in winter, a child is not the same as an adult, someone who sweats easily cannot be compared to someone who sweats less, vegetarians have different needs than non-vegetarians, etc.

In the beginning, it can be difficult to get used to drinking continuously. But if you stay constant, you will quickly notice what your body needs.


If it is still difficult …

Many people find it incredibly difficult to drink regularly. One trick is to add some lemon juice and a few drops of stevia. This gives it a delicious taste without adding unnecessary calories or substances.

Another alternative is to add a drop of citrus essence suitable for consumption (orange, lemon, grapefruit, tangerine …).

Herbal teas are also helpful and can be alternated with water.


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