How To Remove Fish Odor From The Kitchen – 5 Tricks

It can be difficult to get rid of the fish odor that is left in the kitchen after preparing this dish. Fortunately, however, there are a few tricks that will help us make this job easier. Read on to find out how to combat fishy smell in the kitchen!

Removing the smell of fish from the kitchen - 5 tricks

Do you like to prepare delicious dishes with fish such as sea bass, tuna, sardines and many other types of fish? Then you surely know that the preparation of these dishes is often accompanied by a difficult task: removing the strong fishy smell from the kitchen.

The strong aroma of fish usually spreads very quickly throughout the house. Often we can even perceive it in the adjoining rooms. But how can you act against it?

The good news is that you don’t have to give up on this food to avoid the unpleasant smell. Because a few different tricks can help you neutralize this aroma; Here are the best options for tackling fishy smell after cooking! Read on and find out more!

How to remove fishy smell from your kitchen

There are a ton of chemicals out there these days that can remove bad odors from the kitchen in seconds. However, there are also some more natural options that have great results in solving this problem due to their pleasant aroma.

1. Soak fish fillets in milk before cooking

Soak fish fillets in milk before cooking to avoid an unpleasant fish odor
A simple trick to avoid the smell of fish in the kitchen is to soak the fillets in milk first.

There is a simple trick you can use before cooking the fish to prevent odors from spreading in the kitchen. Since this trick is a preventative measure, you can simply try it out for yourself before preparing your fish.


  • Place the fillets in a container with plenty of milk about 30 minutes before cooking the fish.
  • This simple trick will keep the fishy smell from flooding your entire kitchen and home.

2. Coffee beans against fishy smell in the kitchen

Coffee beans are a natural air freshener for the home . Like the drink itself, they have a strong aroma that neutralizes unpleasant odors, such as the smell of fish after cooking.


  • If you want to neutralize the fishy smell in your kitchen, you can simply take several coffee beans and roast them.
  • In just a few minutes, the unpleasant smell will be a thing of the past!

3. Use white vinegar to remove fishy odor from the kitchen

The natural way to get rid of bad smells is white vinegar. While its odor may not be as pleasant to many people, using it you will still manage to get rid of strong odors such as fish.

In addition, white vinegar also has antimicrobial properties, so it helps with disinfection. This is evident from the Functional Properties of Vinegar article published in the Journal of Food Science.


  • If the unpleasant smell lingers in your kitchen after cooking fish, you can boil one cup of white vinegar in two cups of water.
  • Then let this solution stand uncovered so that the fumes released during cooking remove the bad odor.
  • Do not dump the mixture afterwards; put them in a spray bottle and use them to clean floors, countertops, and pans.

4. Citrus peel

Citrus peel helps neutralize bad smells
The pleasant aroma of some citrus fruits helps to neutralize the strong fishy smell in the kitchen.

The citrus aroma is also ideal for eliminating the smell of fish from the kitchen. The essential oils of the peel of these fruits release a strong aroma that, as a publication in the International Journal of Molecular Sciences points out, is also relaxing.


  • First, cut the citrus peel into several pieces (you could use lemon or orange peel for this, for example).
  • Then put them in a saucepan with plenty of water.
  • Then bring the water to a boil without covering the pan to release the aromatic vapors.
  • If necessary, repeat the process until the unpleasant odor is gone.

5. Cinnamon sticks

The smell of cinnamon is so effective against bad smells that it is not uncommon to find it in many common cleaning products. However, when it comes to neutralizing the fishy odor in a kitchen, cinnamon can also be used in its natural state.


  • First, boil two or three cups of water with several cinnamon sticks.
  • Then let it simmer over low heat for 10 to 15 minutes to allow the fumes to spread around the kitchen.
  • Another way to use cinnamon sticks to neutralize odors is to place several in the oven on a baking sheet. The aroma they release will eliminate the fishy odor in a matter of minutes.

Are you planning to cook a fish dish again soon? Next time, think of all these tricks so that the unpleasant smell does not cause you any more inconvenience in the future.

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