How To Remove Greasy Dirt From The Kitchen

Greasy dirt is stubborn dirt that covers all surfaces in the kitchen like a film. There are good tricks to removing it.

How to remove greasy dirt from the kitchen

Greasy dirt occurs when the escaping air cannot escape during cooking, roasting and baking. If you are not ventilating effectively enough while cooking or your range hood is not powerful enough. But how do you remove the greasy dirt again?

Preventing greasy dirt is half the battle

Greasy dirt occurs when the air charged with grease from frying, baking or cooking can settle on the surfaces of the kitchen, for example on furniture, walls, lamps, tiles and the worktop. This happens because the air cannot escape before it settles as greasy dirt on the surfaces.

So it is important to get the air outside. This can be done through effective ventilation and an extra strong extractor hood. When buying, make sure that the extractor hood not only has a circulating air function, but also works with exhaust air, i.e. transports the air to the outside. The more air you get outside, the less greasy dirt can settle.

To make cupboards easier to clean, line the surfaces of the cupboards with newspaper at the top under the ceiling. Replace this regularly when you clean. The greasy dirt only ends up on the newspaper and not on the cupboard. But what means do you use to remove greasy dirt from other surfaces?

Remove greasy dirt with baking soda

Washing soda

Washing soda is highly fat-dissolving and is ideal for removing greasy dirt – not only in the kitchen but also in laundry care. Washing soda only works in warm water. The hotter the water, the greater the effect. So please only use washing soda with water that is as hot as possible (from 60 ° C) if you want to achieve optimal results.

You can get washing soda in the drugstore. Use gloves as it dries out the skin very much due to its high fat dissolving power! According to the instructions on the package, dissolve the washing soda in hot water and wipe the greasy surfaces with it. Renew the water as soon as the water temperature drops below 60 ° C in order to maintain its full fat dissolving power.

Night creams made from orange and yogurt

Orange oil

Orange terpenes from orange peel have an extremely high fat dissolving power and act like solvents. Obtain pure orange oil to take advantage of the orange terpenes. A bottle costs around € 9 and is quite expensive, but you can use it to clean a lot of household items. Make sure that it is not “orange cleaner” or “orange oil cleaner”, but actually orange oil.

The high fat dissolving power also makes orange oil a perfect household cleaner in the kitchen. Even difficult grease stains on textiles lose their horror completely. Try it out, it’s worth it! The delicious scent also goes great with the kitchen.

Be careful not to use the orange oil undiluted, as it can damage paintwork. Use as directed on the package. You will see, the water turns white and it smells wonderful!

You can carefully use orange oil on its own if you want to tackle extremely crusted and dried-on greasy dirt, for example around the extractor hood or the stove. Parts of the deep fryer are also clean and fat-free again with pure orange oil.

Important: If you use pure orange oil, test the material compatibility beforehand on a concealed place and always wipe with clean water!

Remove greasy dirt in the kitchen


Spirit is ethanol, i.e. pure alcohol. This has a very high fat dissolving power and degreases surfaces very well. You can mix alcohol with water, but this will reduce the cleaning effect. Always use alcohol (denatured alcohol) undiluted when using it against greasy dirt.

Ethanol evaporates very quickly, which is why you should only use it to clean small areas at a time. To do this, put the alcohol on a rag, at best even a microfiber cloth, and use it to wipe the greasy surface.

Washing-up liquid

Washing up liquid is intended to remove greasy food residues from your dishes. A washing solution made from washing up liquid and warm water is also able to remove normal greasy soiling from the surfaces of your kitchen. However, if these are too old, dried on or encrusted, this no longer helps.

Wiping water from hand washing-up liquid with water will eventually lose its grease dissolving power, so you should replace it to maintain the cleaning effect. The higher you dose the detergent, the better it dissolves fat. However, this can lead to a light film of lubricant, which you should wipe off again with clean water.

What’s your favorite way to remove greasy debris in the kitchen? Ours is the orange oil …

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