Joint Inflammation – Recommended Foods

Blue fish such as salmon, tuna or herring can help treat osteoarthritis. It contains valuable omeg-3 fatty acids and therefore has an anti-inflammatory effect.

Joint Inflammation - Recommended Foods

Osteoarthritis is a disease that severely affects our joints and leads to a gradual loss of cartilage mass. Joint inflammation is very painful.

For this reason, nutrition plays an important role in prevention and treatment along with conventional medical forms of therapy.

Joint inflammation: anti-inflammatory foods

With osteoarthritis, also known as degenerative joint disease, joint inflammation is also present. There is rigidity and severe pain in the joints, especially in the hands, hips, knees, back and neck.

Also, eating a healthy diet that includes a few particularly good foods every day can be one of the best ways to prevent this disease.

If you already have joint inflammation, there are foods that can help with pain relief. Below we list various recommended foods:



According to researchers from the University of East Anglia, this vegetable has a substance called sulfonal. This bioactive substance has the ability to destroy enzymes which attack the joints and which are also associated with the occurrence of osteoarthritis.

Cherries against joint inflammation


In a study conducted by the Bailor Institute, researchers looked at the effects of cherries on osteoarthritis patients.

They found that in over half of the patients the pain in the joints could be relieved and the mobility could be regained more quickly. Take cherries in tablet form for eight weeks.

Salmon, tuna and herring for joint inflammation


Omega 3 fatty acids are found in large quantities in fish such as salmon, tuna and herring. These fish are very important if we want to cure osteoarthritis because they have anti-inflammatory effects.

According to the latest studies, these fish reduce pain in patients with osteoarthritis in an impressive way and also improve the function of the joints.

Olive oil and basil

olive oil

Olive oil and basil are natural products that are excellent for treating joint inflammation. These natural remedies can be easily and conveniently prepared at home.

To do this, you take a few sprigs of basil that are pickled in olive oil. This is how you create a mixture that you can use to massage the affected areas of the joints. The painful area should be heated a little before the massage. It is best to repeat the massage twice a day.

This is a remedy from ancient times that was used even then for inflammation in various parts of the body, especially pain caused by osteoarthritis.

Do not forget that prevention is also best for osteoarthritis. It is therefore advisable that you eat a healthy diet, high in vegetables and fruits, and that you exercise daily. Walking even half an hour a day can be enough to keep your joints healthy.

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