Juice Made From Ginger, Lemon, Mint And Cucumber For A Flat Stomach

Ginger has anti-inflammatory effects and promotes stomach and intestinal functions. It also helps burn fat and prevents bloating.

Ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber juice for a flat stomach

A flat stomach is the dream of many women. Not only the accumulated fat, but also flatulence and fluid retention can increase the size of the abdomen. This simple juice made from ginger, lemon, cucumber, and mint eliminates such problems. Here we explain how.

Ginger , lemon, mint and cucumber juice for a flat stomach

A swollen, bloated stomach. Sagging skin and muscles. An enlarged waist. Fat deposits in an otherwise slim body. .. all of this is quite normal for women.

Fat tissue in the abdominal area can be very resistant in some cases. Even with targeted fitness training, it is difficult to get over.

Sometimes the stomach is flat in the morning and only increases in size during the day – not necessarily after eating. 

This is mostly due to long periods of sitting, but diet also plays a major role. Some foods lead to increased gas (e.g. carbonated drinks or even salad and legumes).

The juice of ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber that we are introducing today relieves swelling and gas, and also helps with weight loss in the abdominal area. Here we explain how it works.

1. Lemon

Lemon for the juice

This sour fruit contains ascorbic acid, which has a digestive effect and also promotes the correct absorption of nutrients.

Another active ingredient in lemons is pepsin, which accelerates fat burning and improves the absorption of protein.

As a result, food is digested better, a feeling of satiety is created and, in addition, existing fat is broken down better.

Lemons stimulate the metabolism and are recommended for any weight loss diet.

2. ginger

Ginger for the juice

Ginger helps with a wide variety of health problems. This root also provides excellent support for losing weight.

It has anti-inflammatory effects and contains the wonderful active ingredient gingerol. This activates the stomach and intestinal functions, promotes digestion, counteracts flatulence and helps break down fat.

Combined with the other ingredients on this list, ginger is ideal for a flat stomach.

3. Mint

Mint for the juice

Few medicinal herbs are as effective for digestion as mint.

It not only works against flatulence and heartburn and  enables a better absorption of nutrients, but is also anti-inflammatory and relaxing.

It also helps against nausea. This medicinal plant also tastes great in tea or in desserts.

4. Cucumber

Cucumber for the juice

Cucumbers are low in calories, easy to digest, and great anti-inflammatories. Cucumbers are often used to treat dark circles or tired eyes, and to nourish the skin.

But they are also very recommendable for supporting the body functions.

Cucumbers have a strong dehydrating effect. They are therefore ideally suited against inflammation (e.g. cystitis or kidney inflammation), which can lead to a bloated stomach.

How is the juice made from ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber made?

Delicious juice made from ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber


  • 2 liters of water
  • 1 lemon (untreated!)
  • 1 medium cucumber
  • 2 spoons of grated ginger
  • 10 mint leaves


  • The preparation is very simple. First, make a mint tea. To do this, put the mint leaves in a cup of boiling water and let them steep for 5 minutes.
  • Then press the lemon juice. To do this, rub the lemon zest with a fine grater to use later in the recipe.
  • Now peel and juice the cucumber. Then mix the cucumber juice with the lemon juice and the mint tea.
  • Then mix everything with 1.5 liters of natural water. Add the lemon zest, two spoons of grated ginger and, if desired, a mint leaf.
  • Then place the ginger, lemon, mint, and cucumber juice in the refrigerator for about two hours. You can also prepare it the day before and store it in the refrigerator overnight. However, the effect of fresh lemon is better on the same day.

When should ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber juice be drunk?

This recipe  creates two liters of juice that you can drink throughout the day. It works most effectively if you take it after every meal.

The fresh juice made from ginger, lemon, mint and cucumber tastes delicious and, together with a balanced diet and enough exercise, is an excellent support for weight loss.

That’s why we recommend this delicious recipe for everyone!

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