Link Between Coffee And Myocardial Infarction

There is a link between coffee and myocardial infarction, but scientists disagree on whether it is positive or negative. The method of preparation and how the coffee is then consumed seem to play a decisive role. Find out more about this topic today. 

Link between coffee and heart attack

There is a connection between coffee and a heart attack , it seems to be clear. However, scientific studies have come to different results. Some researchers believe that coffee poses cardiovascular health risks, while others claim exactly the opposite.

Coffee is one of the most popular beverages in the world. Coffee has become a habit for many people practically everywhere, forms part of a ritual and invites conversation. 

Therefore, many are also interested in the health effects of this drink. In general, the caffeine it contains has a bad rap and has been linked to cardiovascular health risks. Many patients who have already suffered a heart attack do not drink coffee at all, even if the doctor does not ask for it.

To understand the link between coffee and heart attack  , many studies have focused on caffeine. Other drinks with caffeine, such as energy drinks, must therefore also be taken into account. But a Swedish study has shown that coffee itself can be a problem if made incorrectly. Whether this drink is healthy or not does not only depend on the substance caffeine it contains, but also on the method of preparation and how the coffee is consumed.

Coffee and heart attack: how to prepare it is fundamental!

A research team from the University of Gothenburg studied various effects of different types of coffee on heart health. The very interesting results showed that differently prepared coffee had an effect on the mortality of the groups examined.

These substances increase LDL cholesterol, increase the heart rate and change the heart rhythm. These three factors negatively affect the arteries and heart.  If other conditions are also present, such as obesity or a high-risk disease such as diabetes, the risk is even greater. 
The Swedish researchers found that  the toxic substances from unfiltered coffee enter the body 30 times faster  than filter coffee does. The difference can be critical to your health.
Coffee and heart attack

Studies with different results

In contrast to the Swedish researchers , a meta-analysis came to the conclusion that coffee protects heart health. Many cardiologists have also been recommending coffee for years.

The meta-analysis published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology failed to find a link between coffee and heart attack. On the contrary: the  effects shown in it appear to be positive.

Study participants who drank up to 4 cups of coffee a day had an 18 percent lower risk of premature death. The regular coffee drinkers who ingested modest amounts of it had a better chance of survival.

The explanation for this could be found in the antioxidants in coffee. These have very beneficial effects on cell aging as they block internal toxins that are produced by the body.

Coffee and Heart Attack: Cortisol is a Problem!

Coffee and Heart Attack: Cortisol is a Problem!

Caffeine is a substance that increases the production of cortisol in the body. Cortisol is also known as the stress hormone because the human body releases it to improve alertness and defense. 

With an increased cortisol level, the heart rate rises and the blood pressure rises slightly. Both situations are particularly undesirable in a patient with heart disease or in people with an increased risk of heart attack.

Regular coffee drinkers get used to the slightly elevated cortisol levels. The rise in blood pressure is not significant and does not appear to increase the pumping function of the heart. Nevertheless, many people do without coffee to prevent this effect.

Scientists have not clearly shown that coffee consumption increases the risk of heart attack due to elevated cortisol levels. However, more research is needed in this regard. Because it is very important to keep the cortisol level within normal values. Among other things, this is a therapeutic measure to prevent high blood pressure.

Is Coffee Healthy?

The answer to this question is  that if you like this drink, you can definitely drink coffee. However, as always, a healthy mediocrity is important to prevent possible harmful effects.

Coffee consumption alone does not trigger a heart attack. But other aspects, such as diet or lack of exercise, increase the cardiovascular risk and coffee, in combination with other factors, could also have an influence. You should therefore generally attach great importance to a healthy lifestyle!

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