Lose Weight By Running: What’s The Best Way To Do It?

Maybe you already go running every day, but you haven’t achieved the success you want.

Lose Weight By Running: What's the Best Way to Do It?

We have already pointed out how healthy running is in various posts . You can use it to improve the state of mind, relieve tension, lower blood pressure and much more. Few sports are as beneficial to the body as running every day.

But can you also use it to lose weight? Perhaps you already go running every day, but you haven’t had the success you want.

Maybe you can improve a few things to get there. This post will tell you what you need to do to lose weight by running . It’s easier than you think!

1. Lose weight by running: can I achieve it?

strengthen legs

As is well known, any sport that requires some effort  and is done regularly can activate the metabolism and promote heart health. This is also how fat is broken down.

  • Running is a great way to burn off excess  calories that  are otherwise stored as fat reserves.
  • Running at an adequate pace every day helps build muscle mass and reduce fat. The more muscles, the less fat and, consequently,  more health.
  • Regular walking increases the metabolism  and helps burn fat, but you must not forget that a balanced diet with low fat, white flour, ready-made meals, manufactured foods, confectionery, sugared drinks, etc. is also very important. It’s about adopting healthy habits.

2. How can I lose weight by running?

1. How long should I run?


It is ideal to run for half an hour twice a day, in the morning and in the evening. This is how you can achieve excellent results. The metabolism is stimulated, which helps with the breakdown of fat and promotes muscle building.

If you “only” want to improve your general condition, your mood and your vital functions, half an hour a day is sufficient.

However, if you want to lose weight, it’s best to run twice a day when the sun isn’t too intense. Take the time to do it, it will be worth it.

2. How fast should I run?

to run

Normal is a speed of about 7 km / h, which is about  one kilometer in 10-15 minutes. If you can keep up with this rhythm, you will be effectively burning fat in the process and the effort will not be too great.

When the heart works with 60-70% of the frequency, the body is already falling back on fat reserves. You should therefore pay attention to this speed. This is your goal.

3. Watch your steps!

to run

How you run is also very important. Here are a few tips:

  • It’s not about taking long strides to  leave a kilometer behind every 10 minutes. It is advisable to go quickly.
  • Movement of the  ankles  is also important. Notice how the heel touches the ground: the ankle should be bent at a 45º angle, neither more nor less. Otherwise there may be problems in a foot area.
  • Relax your shoulders,  let them relax  .
  • The head should not sway while running. This could lead to a sore throat or dizziness. Keep your head straight, neither too low nor too high. Remember that while running, your eyes should be kept approximately 6 meters away. So you can adopt a healthy head position and the shoulders are not overloaded.
  • Make sure that your hips and pelvis  do not move too much to avoid overloading or pain. All movements should be gentle, fluid, and natural. You shouldn’t feel any discomfort or pressure while running.
  • And what about the  poor? Many are unsure of what to do with their arms while running. What’s the best position? You should bend your arms at a 90º angle and always move them naturally, without distancing them too much from your body. Pay attention to a simple rhythm: the left arm is brought forward simultaneously with the right leg, then the right arm with the left leg.

4. Find a nice place to run


Avoid paths with  lots of gravel or stones if possible to  prevent hip injuries or sprains.

A level surface or a walkway in the park is best. Also pay attention to comfortable, closed shoes that protect the foot. Get comfortable clothes that aren’t too tight.

Lastly, we recommend that you should be careful about listening to music while running. If you wear headphones and you cannot hear what is happening around you,  accidents often occur. Be careful!

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