Melatonin: 8 Sleep-promoting Foods

If you suffer from insomnia, we recommend that you incorporate various seeds into your diet. These also provide valuable nutrients that promote general health.

Melatonin: 8 sleep-promoting foods

Even if many are not aware of this,  the quality of sleep is closely related to health,  as different, very important body functions are carried out at night. That is why we would like to introduce you to sleep-promoting foods today  .

Difficulty falling asleep or not getting enough sleep can gradually lead to side effects that are noticeable both physically and mentally.

For this reason, it is critical to keep regular sleep times and maintain healthy habits that improve the quality of sleep. Fortunately, there are  sleep-inducing foods that can help you with this.

Foods that promote the production of melatonin can be very helpful  in improving sleep and preventing very common sleep disorders.

Melatonin plays an important role in controlling the day-night rhythm, which is important in preparing the body for various everyday activities – including sleep.

However, as you get older, your body produces less melatonin. This is due to stress, aging, poor diet, and other factors.

Fortunately, there are various foods that  can stimulate melatonin production and therefore promote sleep. Do you want to know what foods are involved?

1. Pineapple

Sleep-promoting foods: pineapple for a good night's sleep

This delicious fruit provides valuable tryptophan, which promotes the production of serotonin. This neurotransmitter transmits nerve signals through the neurons.

While this hormone is mainly known to induce well-being and a good mood, it  is good to know that low serotonin levels interfere with the production of melatonin and, consequently, the relaxation of the body and sleep. 

In addition, the pineapple contains vitamins, minerals and fiber as well as antioxidants, which improve general health and digestion and at the same time work against free radicals.

2. banana

Bananas have a calming effect on the brain and relax the muscles after a long day of physical exertion.

They also contain tryptophan and  stimulate the production of melatonin. As a result, they also promote sound sleep.

You can consume this delicious fruit alone or in salads or mixed drinks. It is important that the banana is eaten uncooked.

3. Oats

Sleep-promoting foods: oats for more melatonin

Oats are considered to be the most complete grain. It is also highly recommended for improving sleep.

This type of grain can be prepared easily and in a variety of ways and also  helps to satisfy cravings. In addition, oats have a relaxing effect on the nervous system  and therefore promote sleep.

We recommend eating oats in the morning, but this cereal also tastes great with a light dinner.

4. Asparagus

Asparagus is rich in folic acid and vitamin C, which promote the correct absorption of tryptophan, an essential amino acid important for sleep.

In the evening, asparagus also helps with fat loss and improves digestive functions.

5. Nuts

Sleep-promoting foods: nuts for more melatonin

Nuts and other dried fruits contain significant amounts of melatonin,  so eating them before you  go to sleep can help improve the quality of your sleep.

The omega-3 fatty acids it contains improve cardiovascular health and are also of great importance for other body functions.

However, only eat a small amount, as nuts and dried fruits are high in calories.

6. onion

The onion should not be missing in any diet, it contains valuable vitamins, minerals, antioxidants and essential amino acids.

This tuber has a diuretic and cleansing effect and stimulates the elimination of harmful substances. At the same time, it is very useful in preventing various diseases.

The Zwiefel also  provides melatonin, which is why it has a relaxing effect and promotes sleep. 

7. Seeds and kernels

Sleep-promoting foods: seeds for more melatonin

Dried seeds of various types of fruit or vegetables  are also rich in melatonin and therefore sleep-promoting foods. They also have an anti-oxidative effect. 

Flax seeds and sesame seeds, for example, contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects.

Other recommended seeds and kernels are:

  • Pumpkin seeds
  • Watermelon seeds
  • Chia seeds
  • Grape seeds

8. Ginger

The ginger root is known worldwide for its anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties.

Ginger tea is an excellent remedy for pain and other symptoms caused by inflammation.

In addition, ginger contains  melatonin, a hormone that, as already mentioned, ensures a good, restful sleep.

Foods that promote sleep can help us fall asleep faster. So it’s a good idea to include all of these foods in your diet regularly, especially if you suffer from insomnia.

However, the effect can be different for each person, and lifestyle habits also play a major role.

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