Natural Methods For Cleansing The Colon

Foods high in protein and fiber help clean the colon. Cleansing the intestines promotes general health and ensures well-being.

Natural methods of cleansing the intestines

The bowel can cause many problems if it is not properly emptied or cleaned. It is therefore advisable to clean the intestines every now and then.

Because our intestines often accumulate a large number of excess residues that cause a deterioration in body functions. The causes of this accumulation of toxins should be recognized in order to adequately avoid them.

What should i know about intestinal cleansing?

If you want to cleanse your bowel because of occasional or mild constipation, it is quite sufficient to increase your fiber intake or take certain herbs to activate the bowel movement.

However, you can often not use it to remove the older residues that cling to the intestinal walls. A person who empties their bowels every three days accumulates residue from 15 meals.

Cleansing the intestines can be more than beneficial to our body as it removes excess and harmful residue.

These can be parasites or toxins that have been deposited for a long time. With proper colon cleansing and proper nutrition, you can keep your colon healthy.

Not only will your intestines perform its functions better, you will also have a more relaxed sleep, unpleasant mouth and body odors will be avoided, and skin impurities and rashes will disappear.

Further tonic effects are produced, such as B. the stimulation of the glands in the abdominal or kidney area, but especially the pancreas. Colon cleansing improves the processing and absorption of nutrients.


What methods are there?

Laxatives are not necessarily the best solution for a colon cleanse as many of the ingredients are toxic and irritating to the intestines rather than just eliminating the debris or food ingested.

Only natural cleansing methods such as enemas, herbs, or salts should be used to cleanse the colon. These are reliable means that you can use without hesitation once you have sufficient information about the problem.

Even so, you shouldn’t use these methods often to avoid addiction and adverse effects. 

Regular bowel movements should be the natural result of conscious dietary changes. This doesn’t mean eating all sorts of things and then doing a cleanse once a week. Not only is this unhealthy, it does not help either.

We suggest that you include certain foods in your daily eating plan that are naturally bowel cleansing so that no other methods need to be used.

Vegetarian diet for colon cleansing

With a predominantly vegetarian diet, you can cleanse your intestinal tract and digestive system in a simple and effective way.

All you have to do is change your diet and consume fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables, legumes and dried seeds every day. Your intestines will be cleansed, as will your kidneys and liver. Your health and that of your organs will be significantly improved.

One of the best recipes for proper colon cleansing is made from the juice of two oranges, seven strawberries, and three peeled peaches.

This mixture helps cleanse your bowels naturally, strengthens the respiratory system and prevents depression. Just put everything in the juicer and drink the juice an hour before breakfast in the morning. Drink this mixture for nine days.

orange juice

Medicinal herbs

On the other hand, there are also medicinal herbs that have cleansing effects on our intestines:

  • Cascara sagrada (Rhamnus Purshianus) : Belonging to the buckthorn family, this tree that grows on the northwestern coast of America contains anthroquinones, which promote bowel movements and defecation. This plant is also suitable for people with a sensitive digestive system.
  • Plantain : In this case psyllium plantain (Plantago Psyllium). This plant is native to India and Iran and is often used in naturopathic and alternative medicine. It is high in fiber. This plant has to grow in the water to create a gelatinous liquid. This gelatin sweeps away the toxins deposited on the intestinal walls. Plantain promotes complete intestinal health.

Intestine 3
  • Medicinal marshmallow (Althaea Officinalis ): The Greeks already used this herb. The scientific name alone indicates this, because “Altho” means “to heal”. This is because it contains sugar molecules that relax the lining of the intestinal walls.
  • Cinnamon cassia (Cinnamomum cassia) : This spice is the first that was introduced into Europe by Alexander the Great via Egypt and Israel. Cassia is grown for its oil, germs and bark and has excellent effects on the digestive system, body tissue and the intestinal and gastric lining.

Advice on keeping the intestines clean

  • Eat 8-10 servings of fruit a week, preferably red fruits as they are high in fiber.
  • Eat whole grains 2-3 times a week.
  • Prefer colon cleansing foods, those high in protein and fiber.
  • Avoid sweet or fatty foods.
  • Add flaxseed to your meals.
  • Exercise daily (at least 30 minutes of walking) and drink plenty of water (at least 2 liters a day).

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