Natural Ointment For Clearing The Airways

The properties of the ingredients for this natural ointment are very effective in the supportive treatment of respiratory diseases such as colds or flu.

Natural ointment to clear the airways

Clogged airways are not only very uncomfortable, they can also lead to more serious symptoms such as bronchitis or pneumonia. An ointment could provide relief.

The airways are blocked by swollen mucous membranes and the excessive production of mucus, which makes breathing difficult and can be very disruptive.

This is a common symptom, especially with viral diseases,  that can also affect lung health. These symptoms can also be signs of an allergy to certain substances, but most of the time it is a cold.

There are numerous medications and pharmacological treatments that can help clear the airways again so that the symptoms do not negatively affect the patient’s everyday life.

But there are also natural ways and means that have been used since ancient times and are still excellent alternatives to chemicals.

Today we would like to  recommend a very effective homemade ointment  with which you can clear the airways and reduce the annoying symptoms.

Do you want to learn how to make this ointment ? Then read on.

Natural ointment for free airways

This natural ointment  is made with ingredients that have antihistamine, expectorant and emollient properties.  This can help alleviate the symptoms of colds, flu and other respiratory problems.

External use soothes and soothes  complaints such as coughing, watery eyes and sneezing. 

The oils that are used for this are of vegetable origin and have been used for these purposes since ancient times:

  • mint
  • eucalyptus
  • thyme

Benefits of mint oil


Mint is an aromatic plant that has been used in medicine and gastronomy for several centuries.

In many cultures, the  antiseptic and expectorant properties of this herb are highly valued  because they can help reduce inflammation of the airways.

The oils contained in the mint soothe sore throats, refresh and also make breathing easier.

Benefits of eucalyptus oil

The natural perfume of eucalyptus helps with inflammation of the airways and then facilitates the removal of mucus.

The oils it contains also help with asthma and improve breathing for complaints such as runny nose or colds.

Eucalyptus oil is used in ointments and in steam baths  to relieve coughs, sore throats, and chills.

Benefits of Thyme Oil


Essential thyme oil is extracted from the leaves of this plant and leaves a fresh herbal scent that helps with stress and respiratory problems.

Thyme is also known for its natural antibiotic effects that  help fight viruses and bacteria. 

Inhaling this herbal aroma has therapeutic effects on the blood and lungs and then brings a quick sense of relief.

How is the airway clear ointment prepared?


Before we explain the individual steps for the preparation of this ointment in more detail, it is important to underline that  the essential oils must not be confused with synthetic essences.

The oils must be 100% organic and free from additives.


  • 6 tablespoons of extra virgin olive oil (96 g)
  • 2 dried mint leaves
  • 2 dried eucalyptus leaves
  • 10 tablespoons of beeswax (150 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of eucalyptus essential oil (15 g)
  • two teaspoons of mint essential oil (15 g)
  • 2 teaspoons of thyme essential oil (15 g)


    • Warm up the olive oil in a water bath and add the dried mint and eucalyptus leaves.
    • Then let it steep a little and remove the leaves.
    • Heat together with the beeswax in a water bath.
    • As soon as the beeswax melts, take it off the stove and let it cool down slightly.
    • Add the essential oils and mix well with a wooden spoon.
    • Now you can pour the mixture into a sealable container.
    • In a couple of hours the ointment will be set and ready to use.


    • Apply some of the ointment to your chest, back, or the soles of your feet and massage gently.
    • If you have a headache or stress, you can then apply some of it to your temples.
    • Keep the ointment in a fresh and dark place so that it lasts longer.
    • You can also add some vitamin E, so the ointment can be kept for up to a year.

      Do not forget that this ointment has a  naturally calming and soothing effect, but does not fight the pathogens.

      If symptoms don’t improve within a week, you should definitely see a doctor as soon as possible.

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