Other People’s Problems Can Steal Your Energy

If you keep listening to other people’s problems, over time you will have problems yourself.

Problems of others can drain your energy

Life is hectic and complicated and we always have to deal with a wide variety of problems. In a difficult situation, the right words from a friend can provide comfort. But  other people’s problems  can also drain your energy and depress you.

A good friend is always there when you need them, in good times and bad. But when you are surrounded by people who complain about everything and only transfer negative feelings, this can be very harmful. 

These people are often skilled manipulators who make you feel guilty, so you should be careful and avoid certain situations so as not to be harmed.

Characteristics of people who harm you

They don’t value their lives and slip into the role of victims, they get upset about every little thing and don’t know what they want. Worst of all, however,  they do not change their stressful circumstances. 

Over time, these people turn to you with any problem, it becomes a habit to vent and complain about anything.

They take advantage of your compassion and friendship and make you feel guilty. You are manipulated by them and take on tasks for which you are not responsible.

The consequences: Constantly hearing the problems of others is energy consuming

Always listening to other people’s problems has many negative consequences. Over time, you feel  guilty and emotionally overloaded, which affects your own life. In this case you have to change something quickly!

While you are able to give good advice, it is a waste of energy unless the person works on their problems themselves.

If you are always with depressed or negative people, your brain will adjust to it and you will soon feel depressed yourself.

Frustration, guilt, and problems with others can result in hormonal changes in the brain. In addition, the following problems can arise:

  • Your emotional world breaks apart
  • you have difficulty solving your own problems
  • your ability to concentrate worsens and
  • you constantly have negative feelings that weigh on you.

What can you do when others burden you with their problems?

Life doesn’t always go as planned,  but before you suffer and become frustrated, you should find a solution! Use your energy to solve problems instead of getting upset about them.

Don’t start by shifting your own problems onto others and learn that you can’t help everyone. You cannot take care of the worries of others  if you have no strength and are out of balance with yourself.

But what can you do

1. Distance yourself

distance yourself, because constantly listening to other people's problems is draining of energy

Distance yourself as much as possible from the person who is negatively affecting you. Don’t let her manipulate you. She will learn that you have no energy left to solve someone else’s problems.

2. Let the person know it’s not your problem

Even if you take the time to listen, you should make it clear that it is not you but the person who has to solve the problems. Point out that changing your mindset and perspective can change a lot.

3. Don’t show weakness

Hearing other people's problems all the time is draining of energy

Since such individuals often try to manipulate others, it is sometimes better to take a defensive stance. This shows that you are not on call for every little thing.

Sometimes it is necessary to show compassion. But always try to control the situation  because remember: constantly hearing other people’s problems is draining of energy.

4. Set boundaries

You have the right to insist not to be showered with other people’s problems.

If you are tired of only hearing other people’s problems, let them know and feel it. Is there someone in your family or in your circle of friends who always overwhelms you with problems? Then you should do something about it now!

Don’t play the game, because by listening constantly  you will end up having negative thoughts yourself, which make it difficult for you to solve your own problems. 

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