Pineapple Peel For Weight Loss

The peel of the pineapple can help you burn fat in a healthy way. It also has a strong cleansing effect and therefore helps with kidney stones, for example.

Pineapple peel for slimming

Stress, sedentary lifestyle, hunger pangs, bad eating habits and many other causes can lead to weight gain. There are many methods and ways to shed those excess pounds, with exercise and a healthy diet being essential. Today we also recommend  pineapple peel for weight loss,  which can be very effective.

The peel of the pineapple usually ends up in the garbage immediately, but it contains valuable nutrients that are far too valuable. You can use the  pineapple peel to lose weight  because it has a strong cleansing effect and is very low in calories. 100 g of the peel contains only around 70 calories and a lot of fiber.

Today we are going to tell you more about all the benefits pineapple peel has for losing weight. You too can benefit by including them regularly in your diet. After a few weeks you will see the first results.

Pineapple peel for weight loss?

Pineapple peel for weight loss?

If you don’t use the pineapple peel, but just throw it in the trash, you are losing an excellent diuretic and detoxifying home remedy with many healthy vital substances. With it you can rid the organism of harmful substances and also eliminate kidney stones. 

We recommend the pineapple peel for losing weight,  because it stimulates fat burning in a very healthy way. 

Other advantages of the pineapple peel

The peel of the pineapple can also be very helpful for patients with heart disease, high blood pressure or liver cirrhosis. In addition, liquids stored in the tissue can be drained away, which is why this fruit is recommended for edema.

Pineapple peel against cholesterol

Pineapple peel for slimming

As mentioned earlier, the pineapple peel helps break down fat. At the same time  , it regulates the LDL cholesterol level. It is harmful cholesterol that is deposited in the blood vessels and can lead to cardiovascular diseases such as a heart attack.

How is the pineapple peel used for weight loss?

The fruit itself can be very helpful in losing weight, but  the peel of the pineapple is particularly effective. 

Make yourself a tea with it, it’s very easy and a very effective method for losing weight. Don’t forget to buy organically grown pineapples to avoid pollution and pesticides.

Here is the recipe for pineapple cup tea:


  • Peel of a medium-sized pineapple (without leaves)
  • 1 liter of water


Wash the pineapple peel and soak it in water. Then bring to the boil. If desired, you can add cinnamon to improve the taste.

You can drink a cup of this drink in  the morning on an empty stomach, it  is also very digestible for your general health.

Problems with too much pineapple peel tea

Woman drinking pineapple juice

Even if this tea is very healthy, you shouldn’t overdo it, because too much of a good thing can be harmful to your health!

If you drink too much pineapple peel tea, the following symptoms can become noticeable:

  • Dehydration
  • Hypotension
  • hypokalemic alkalosis

Therefore, you shouldn’t ingest too much of this drink and don’t use it for too long. In general, eat a healthy, low-calorie diet and don’t forget to exercise regularly to  achieve your goal!

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