Plant Milk: Properties And Benefits

For people with lactose intolerance, numerous products are available in stores to replace cow’s milk. But which ones are recommended and what are their advantages? Read on to learn more about it. 

Plant milk: properties and benefits

Plant  milk is available in various versions in stores and is very popular as a vegan milk substitute. If you are lactose intolerant, it is also an excellent way of not having to do without milk entirely. However, when choosing, you should carefully analyze the product description and choose high-quality plant milk.

What are the advantages of plant-based milk drinks and when is it recommended to consume them? Then we answer these and other questions. Read on!

Plant milk as a vegan milk substitute

Milk is a food with a very concentrated nutritional content. However, it is not suitable for people with lactose intolerance. Lactose can cause various ailments, but there are other ways of adding milk to your diet, such as lactose-free cow’s milk. However, the organoleptic properties of this milk are not the same.

Another possibility is a wide variety of plant-based drinks that have a similar consistency to cow’s milk and also provide important nutrients. They contain less protein and fats and are a highly recommended substitute even in low-calorie diets, as long as they do not contain added sugar. 

In some cases, plant milk is supplemented with essential nutrients, such as vitamins of the B group. These are very important for the energy metabolism, which for example emerges from a study published in the journal Sub-celular Biochemistry . In the right amount, plant milk can reduce the risk of cell and DNA damage.

Plant milk
Plant milk is an excellent milk substitute for people with lactose intolerance.

Easier to digest

Plant-based milk is easier to digest than cow’s milk. It contains little fat and protein and therefore promotes quick digestion without discomfort. 

So using plant-based milk for coffee or mixed drinks is an excellent idea if someone has a sensitive stomach or intestine. Plant milk can be perfectly combined with fruit or other ingredients to make delicious smoothies. 

However, if you have problems with intestinal transit or digestive problems,  it is always advisable to consult a specialist in order to get to the bottom of the cause. Sometimes there is dysbiosis (imbalance in the intestinal bacteria) that can easily be treated with probiotics. A study published in the  Journal of Biomedical Science proved this.

Plant milk contains protein

These are not biologically high-quality proteins and the proportion is not as high as in cow’s milk,  but the proteins in the plant-based milk are still interesting. 

In a vegan diet, they make a contribution to being able to take in sufficient protein. However, it should not be forgotten that  not all amino acids are supplied with it and that the digestion of these proteins is also not optimal. 

It is therefore important to consider different protein sources in the diet and combine them with plant milk. The best thing to do is to get help from a nutritionist to get all the nutrients you need. 

Be careful with sugared drinks

When shopping, you should pay close attention to the product description, because plant milk is often sweetened with sugar. This improves the taste, but the quality is reduced.

Excessive sugar consumption increases the risk of metabolic diseases, for example, according to a research report in the journal Advances in Nutrition . Therefore, sugared drinks can have a negative impact on health. This could lead to diabetes, for example, over time. It is best to choose those varieties that have a high proportion of plants (e.g. rice or oats).

Plant milk
Oat or rice milk are characterized by their mild taste. You can substitute cow’s milk in many recipes.

Plant milk in the daily diet

It is not necessary to replace cow’s milk with plant milk if there is no lactose intolerance or no allergy. However, if desired, plant-based milk can be incorporated into the daily diet. This is an excellent option for vegans, for example.

If you want to make a smoothie or mixed drink, plant-based milk is great because it is easier to digest than cow’s milk. Don’t forget to use sugar-free varieties, however, or make the plant-based milk yourself. Some herbal drinks are fortified with vitamins or minerals, which have additional benefits and can prevent deficiency symptoms. 

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