Prepare Your Own Honey Lemon Cough Drops

Even if you can buy cough drops in the supermarket, you should try this recipe, as you are guaranteed to use ingredients of the best quality.

Prepare your honey lemon cough drops yourself

Coughing is our body’s defense mechanism to expel a harmful foreign body that has gotten into our airways. You can make  cough drops yourself to relieve the discomfort.

If the cough is accompanied by phlegm, it is a so-called “productive cough” in which the expulsion of phlegm needs to be encouraged.

Dry cough, on the other hand, is usually an allergic reaction triggered by strong climatic fluctuations, air conditioning, toxins, etc.

Regardless of the cause, coughing is uncomfortable and can seriously affect everyday activities.

Fortunately, there are numerous remedies we can buy and make at home to treat that sore throat and relieve coughs.

The best known are cough drops and lozenges with emulsifying properties that provide immediate relief and reduce bacteria and viruses.

A large selection is available in stores. However, how about making cough drops at home so you can use natural products?

Homemade honey and lemon cough drops

Both honey and lemon have long been very popular for a wide variety of home remedies.

They are natural and have  antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties that help respiratory tract recovery when there is excessive mucus or irritating agents building up here.

The advantage of candy is that it melts slowly in your mouth, giving its pain relieving properties time to take effect. Then we explain the advantages of the individual ingredients:

Benefits of honey


Pure bee honey is considered to be one of the best remedies for respiratory diseases.

Its components have antibiotic and antioxidant properties that promote the elimination of harmful microbes and nourish the lungs.

The advantage is that honey is gentle on the stomach, which is why it is particularly recommended for children. In addition, honey is very tasty and pleasant to the taste and is particularly gentle on the throat.

Honey contains the following nutritional values:

  • Vitamin A
  • vitamin C
  • copper
  • Vitamin D
  • B group vitamins
  • potassium
  • magnesium
  • iron
  • calcium
  • iodine
  • sodium

Benefits of lemon


Our grandmothers’ traditional remedies often include lemon because they contain numerous therapeutic properties and their taste is incomparable.

Lemon juice or extract obtained from the peel has long been used in the preparation of treatments for the flu, runny nose, allergies and other diseases that affect our lungs.

This is due to the high content of vitamin C, an essential nutrient that strengthens our immune system by increasing antibodies and thus avoiding diseases.

The lemon has antibacterial, antiseptic and detoxifying properties that eliminate harmful bacteria and thus protect the main functions of our organism.


Cough drops

The homemade honey and lemon cough drops are easy to prepare and much cheaper than similar lozenges that are offered in pharmacies.

You can find the ingredients in natural stores and in supermarkets at low prices.


  • 100 g of refined sugar
  • 125 ml of water
  • Juice 1 lemon
  • 10 grams of ginger powder
  • 200 mg honey


  • Heat honey, lemon juice and ginger powder in a saucepan over medium heat.
  • Mix with the hand blender while the mixture warms up.
  • If foam appears on the surface, reduce the temperature and continue stirring, the temperature should rise to 150-155 ° C.
  • Drizzle a few drops into an ice-cooled glass to see if the mixture is ready.
  • If it hardens immediately, the mixture is ready. If the mixture is not yet completely hard, stir on the stove for a few more minutes.
  • Pour the mixture into candy molds and allow to cool.
  • When these are completely cold, take the candies out of the mold and sprinkle sugar over them.
  • Keep the candies in the refrigerator, otherwise they can stick together.


  •  Let 1 candy melt in your mouth every 4 hours.

We recommend trying this recipe at home to take advantage of all of the properties of lemon and honey.

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